May 1, 2013

Self Publishing vs Traditional Publishing: 5 Important Considerations

When you have finished writing your first manuscript and edited it to your own satisfaction, what is your next step? You can either go the traditional route and start writing query letters to agents who may help you get a contract with a traditional publishing company. There are several questions that you can ask yourself,…

Publishing Guide: What to Consider Before Self-Publishing an Ebook

Many authors self publish these days, that way they can avoid the hassle of dealing with editors, and slow moving corporations. Even some established  authors have switched to self publishing because they have more control over their book and even their profits. However self publishing is far from straight forward. This article is not intended…

Writing Prompt: The 3 Minute Warm Up

This is a writing technique that is very popular for screen writers. However it seems to work well for writers of fiction and poetry. I always enjoy doing this writing exercise even if I am not stuck. When I am in the middle of writing something else, doing this exercise before going further helps my…

Letter from the Editor

Welcome to Issue Four of Authors Publish Magazine. Our mission is to get you published. We want to help you from start to finish. That’s why we give you writing prompts, publishing guides, and reviews of publications accepting submissions. If you’ve ever wondered whether you should self publish or go the more traditional route, then…