Free Lectures from Award Winning Authors & Publishing Professionals

Elevate Your Writing and Publishing Career with In-Depth Lessons from Award Winning and Bestselling Authors

Our lecture series includes talks from bestselling novelists, poets, and industry professionals, covering a wide range of topics that will help you improve your writing skills and take your career to the next level.

You’re welcome to register for upcoming lectures, or watch select lectures, right now, completely free. Check them out…

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Lectures Available to Watch Right Now

Free Talk: An Introduction to Publishing Your Writing in Literary Journals

You can download the slides here, and take a look at the sample submission tracker here. Shannan Mann is the Founding Editor of ONLY POEMS. She has been awarded or placed for the Palette Love and Eros Prize, Rattle Poetry Prize, and Auburn Witness Poetry Prize among others. Her poems appear in Poetry Daily, EPOCH,…

Free Talk: How to Write Romance Novels Readers Love

Join New York Times Bestselling author Emily Colin for a one hour talk and Q&A session.

Free Talk: The Art & Craft of Sound in Creative Writing with Michael Kleber-Diggs

Join award winning author Michael Kleber-Diggs for a one hour talk and Q&A.

Free Talk: The Fourteen Choices of a Poem (With Darren C. Demaree)

Explore how and when to use the parts of poetry to maintain a generative writing practice.

The Art of Memoir: How Exploring Your Theme Can Make the Writing Process Easier

Learn how understanding and exploring your memoir's theme can make it easier to write your story, while also making it easier to connect with readers and meet the needs of publishers.

Free Talk: Fun and Effective Book Promotion for Authors

Learn real world strategies for effective book promotion.

Free Talk: The Art of Writing Immersive Worlds

Learn how to create a world that pulls a reader in and makes them feel as though they're living the story.

Free Talk: Write Like a Wild Thing – Six Lessons on Crafting an Unforgettable Story

Want to work with John Claude Bemis? John’s course, Plot Your Novel – Plot Your Scenes is now open for enrollment. Get in-depth feedback on your novel directly from John Claude Bemis. Learn more and enroll here.

Free Talk: How to Write Opening Pages that Win Over Readers and Agents With Eric Smith

Join literary agent and best selling author Eric Smith for a one hour talk and Q&A session.

Free Talk: A Conversation with a Literary Agent Michael Mungiello and Author Daisuke Shen

Join literary agent Michael Mungiello and author Daisuke Shen for a conversation on the role of an agent in an author's career.