February 27, 2014

Quote Of The Week

Shock Totem: Open To Submissions

Shock Totem is a literary journal that publishes horror and dark fantasy short stories as well as non-fiction about real horrors, such as addiction. They are also open to poetry, as long as it is dark, on a more limited basis. They are primarily a bi-annual print journal, but they do publish some writing electronically…

February 26, 2014

Bare Fiction: Now Accepting Submissions

Bare Fiction Magazine is a print and digital edition literary magazine based in the United Kingdom, which launched in December 2013. They publish poetry, fiction, and plays, as well as literary reviews and interviews with writers. Though young, Bare Fiction has a clear goal: to challenge readers with mind-bending new writing. They aim to publish…

Announcing The Winners of The Best First Line Writing Contest

Congratulations to the winner’s of this weeks writing contest! They are listed below. But first, a bit about our new contest series. Every week we are going to have a contest on our Facebook Page. The contests will change from week to week but the winners will always be published in the magazine. The contest…

Writing Prompt: Amnesia

Amnesia has been a great literary prop for centuries. One of the greatest action characters of our time had amnesia: Jason Bourne. But he is not the only one. In See Jane Run by Joy Fielding the main character has amnesia. The same is true of Before I Go To Sleep by S.J. Watson. However…

How To Promote Your Poetry Without Paying A Penny

Updated January 19th 2017 Many writers ask me this question all the time: “How do you promote your poetry without paying anyone?” There is more then one answer to this question, but it mostly comes back to hard work. In my experience, outside of paying to enter contests, it is very easy to promote one’s…

February 25, 2014

Atticus Books: Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Last Updated May 2017 – They recently changed owenership and they may or may not reopen to book submissions at some point, but they are for the foreseeable future, closed. Atticus Books is a small publisher based out of New Jersey. Atticus Books was interested in publishing unusual literary fiction. They publish books that are…

February 20, 2014

Announcing the Winners of the Six Word Memoir Writing Contest

Congratulations to the winner’s of this weeks writing contest! They are listed below. But first, a bit about our new contest series. Every week we are going to have a contest on our Facebook Page. The contests will change from week to week but the winners will always be published in the magazine. The contest…

Quote of the Week

Writing Prompt: Gender Swap

Are you working on a novel? Or do you have a favorite character from a novel by another writer? This is an exercise that requires an established character, one that you know really well, although it does not need to be one you created. Pick a character and then write down his or her name…

The Active Writer

Phillip Roth has often said that he walks a mile for every page he writes. He also writes those pages standing up. Hemingway was also known for standing while he wrote, and many modern writers from John Green to Susan Orleans have been known to use a treadmill desk. The famous Japanese Novelist Haruki Murkami…

Caboose: A Journal of Really Awful Poetry

Have you ever written a poem, read it over, and groaned? Was it a truly terrible poem that was overwrought, confusing, and mixed metaphors the way a blender does? I know I have written these poems, even if I didn’t know it when I wrote them. Months later I will stumble across them and flush…

Beorh Quarterly: Open To Submissions

Beorh Quarterly is an online literary journal that publishes four issues every year. They accept poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction, they are also open to work from any genre, except they are not interested in erotica or romance.  Horror, science fiction, mystery, and most other genres are fine. They are only interested in work that…

February 17, 2014

Prism Books: Open to Manuscript Submissions

Updated March 19th, 2020 Prism Books used to be an independent press but was recently acquired by Pelican Book Group, so you submit to them using the same website. Prism is a Christian company, and while they do not only publish Christian books and their authors do not need to be Christians, they are not…

February 13, 2014

Voluted Tales: Accepting Submissions

Voluted Tales Magazine publishes four monthly e-editions, roughly one each week of the month. All regular editions are edited and published by Mark Turner. These  weekly editions include a Voluted Tales General edition, a Voluted Tales Themed edition, a Voluted Tales Serials edition and a Voluted Tales Classics/Steampunk edition. They publish around 48 issues a…