September 11, 2014

The Six Word Memoir

Congratulations to the winners of this week’s writing contest! They are listed below. But first, a bit about our contest series. Every week we are going to have a contest on our Facebook Page. The contests will change from week to week, but the winners will always be published in the magazine. The contest winner…

September 4, 2014

Writing Prompt: Words from Another

For this prompt I want you to grab a book off your shelf, it should be a book that is written by someone who has a writing style that is very different than your natural style. It can be a book you have read or one you have not. It could be a book of…

Seven Stories Press: Open To Book Submissions

UPDATED October 6th 2020: They are no longer open to unsolicited submissions. Seven Stories Press is an independent publisher that has been around for twenty years. They have published a number of highly respected books. Their books are distributed by Random House. Seven Stories Press primarily publishes fiction and non-fiction as well as the occasional…

The Best Original Title Contest

Congratulations to the winners of this week’s writing contest! They are listed below. But first, a bit about our contest series. Every week we are going to have a contest on our Facebook Page. The contests will change from week to week, but the winners will always be published in the magazine. The contest winner…

The Climate Fiction Controversy

One of the first challenges an author faces is understanding the genre he or she is writing. From elevator pitches to query letters and beyond, professionals in the industry and the public use the idea of genre to help classify, organize, and clarify the contents of books. Cli-Fi or climate fiction is a relatively new…

Quote of the Week

Squalorly: Now Accepting Submissions

Squalorly is an online magazine publishing fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and art grounded in the grit and complexity of quotidian reality. They don’t want fantasy, and they don’t want scholarly investigations. They’re looking for reckless, inescapable, emotion, coddled by meticulous craft. They don’t want angst-driven diary writing. They want the kind of writing that keeps writers…

September 3, 2014

Felony & Mayhem: Open To Book Submissions

Updated: March 7th, 2024: They are no longer accepting submissions and appear to have to stopped publishing new work, at least for the time being. Felony & Mayhem is a print mystery book publisher founded in 2005, with fairly good distribution in brick and mortar bookstores. They initially focused only on re-issuing books that had…

September 2, 2014

Quote of the Week