November 30, 2017

Bellevue Literary Press: Now Accepting Book Submissions

UPDATED OCT 6, 2020 – They have temporarily closed to unsolicited submissions because of COVID-19. They plan to re-open to submissions and they ask that interested writers keep checking back. Bellevue Literary Press publishes works of narrative nonfiction and literary fiction geared towards a general readership. They are open to unsolicited submissions of both kinds…

RABBIT Poetry: Now Seeking Submissions

RABBIT is a well-established print journal of nonfiction poetry, launched in 2011 in Melbourne, Australia. A pioneer in the genre, RABBIT hopes to encourage poets to engage with all aspects of concrete experience: biography and autobiography, mathematics, history, politics, science, the environment, cultural analysis and so forth. They want poets to investigate and question the…

November 29, 2017

The Surprising Ways Writing Groups Open Doors

By Tina Jenkins Bell After I graduated from college, I had aspirations of becoming a published writer but had no idea of how to get there. I needed guidance beyond writers’ magazines, books, and annual conferences. I needed accomplished kindred souls who didn’t mind sharing their knowledge and resources. I found these souls collectively in…

November 26, 2017

20 Publishers Always Open to Submissions

Many publishers open and close their doors to unsolicited submissions on a routine basis. It can sometimes be hard to determine if they are open or shut to submissions and when you should submit. These twenty featured publishers are always open to submissions from writers without agents or previous publishing experience. All of them are…

November 16, 2017

Head of Zeus: Accepting Manuscripts Submissions

Updated August 22, 2023. They appear to be permanently closed to unagented submissions. Head of Zeus is a UK based print publisher that was founded in early 2012. They publish a wide variety of work including non-fiction, literary fiction, general and genre fiction. They have a number of imprints and have good distribution in the…

Tilde: Now Seeking Submissions

A project of Thirty West Publishing House, Tilde is a brand new print literary journal seeking fiction, non-fiction, and poetry for their first issue. Right now, they are accepting submissions through December 3. From its conception in 2015, Thirty West Publishing House has grown into a full-functioning small press. They produce handcrafted chapbooks and broadsides,…

5 Things That Happen When You Start Calling Yourself a Writer

By Elaine Mead There can be very set ‘wrong’ and ‘right’ ways of being a writer – or so we’re led to believe. Historically, you’d need to have a publishing agent, an editor, published works, and books on shelves before you might dare to use the word ‘writer’ to describe what you do. And that’s…

November 13, 2017

The Top 30 Publishers for New Authors

Updated January 30th, 2019 The writing market can be overwhelming, particularly for new authors who do not have a history of past publication. It is important to note that no legitimate established presses specifically look for unpublished authors. The presses on this list were chosen because they have published a number of debut books before….

Jo Fletcher Books: Now Accepting Submissions

Jo Fletcher Books is an imprint of Quercus Publishing, the only imprint that accepts unsolicited submissions. Jo Fletcher Books publishes science fiction, fantasy, and horror books for adults. They are not interested in children’s or young adult books, or in short story collections or novellas. They are established, have distribution, and have published a number…

November 9, 2017

Future Affairs Administration (FFA): Now Seeking Science Fiction Submissions

Future Affairs Administration (FFA), a science fiction publication produced in China, is seeking short stories, reviews, interviews, and articles. They are looking for time machines in story form—writing that takes us to new dimensions of time and space and challenges us to rethink our current perspectives. They are especially interested in stories that project the…

MB Publishing: Accepting Submissions

Updated 2020: Appears Defunct, could not find recently published work. MB Publishing is a small press based out of Bethesda, Maryland. They focus on publishing children’s books and Judiaca (things pertaining to Jewish life and customs) also largely aimed at children. MB Publishing was founded over 5 years ago by Margie Blumberg as more or…

18 Awards for Children’s Books

By Anne E. Johnson When you’re trying to sell copies of your book or sell your own merits as a writer, it doesn’t hurt if you can describe yourself as an “award-winning author.” One way to earn that label is to snag a prize for a book you’ve already had published. There are plenty of…

November 6, 2017

32 Literary Journals that Pay

“It is a sad fact about our culture that a poet can earn much more money writing or talking about his art than he can by practicing it.” W.H. Auden As someone who makes their living writing about writing and publishing, I can attest to how truthful Auden’s quote is. It is hard making a…