December 31, 2018

10 Literary Journals that Publish Longer Fiction

Most literary journals are only interested in publishing short stories that are up to 3,000 words or so in length. So it can be harder for someone who wrote a longer short story to place it in a good home, unless they are publishing a collection of short stories. The following literary journals are all…

December 19, 2018

Root & Star: Now Seeking Submissions

Root & Star is a thoughtfully curated, high-quality literary magazine for children. Each gorgeously designed print volume provides children, parents, and authors with a space to honor the sacredness of childhood. Root & Star is seeking beautifully crafted poetry, fiction, and nonfiction to nourish the whole child: “the wise, the wild, the strange, and the…

How to Create a Good Author Facebook Page

Creating a Facebook author page is easy. It involves already having a personal Facebook account, and just creating an author page to go along with that. Creating a good author Facebook page is a whole different beast. It takes time, thought, hard work, and consistent effort. The first strategy most writers rely on to get…

December 17, 2018

Polis Books: Now Accepting Book Queries

Updated April 28th, 2024: They went under quickly and all that was really shared was a twitter post here, with the sreenshot below (from the founding editor) Polis Books is an independent publisher of fiction and nonfiction, founded in 2013. Their focus is on publishing new voices. They are a technologically driven company. They publish…

Green Hills Literary Lantern: Now Seeking Submissions

Previously a well-established print journal, this newly-digitized literary annual published by Truman State University is seeking impactful fiction, nonfiction, and poetry from both emerging and established authors. A partner journal of highly-regarded publications such as The Missouri Review, River Styx, Boulevard, New Letters, Poetry Pacific, and Natural Bridge, Green Hills Literary Lantern is a respected…

Why Writers Need To Be Readers

“You have to read widely, constantly refining (and redefining) your own work as you do so. It’s hard for me to believe that people who read very little (or not at all in some cases) should presume to write and expect people to like what they have written, but I know it’s true. If I…

42 Literary Journals that Publish Genre Writing

Most literary journals are interested in literary work, by which they mean, not genre work. The definition of genre is a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter. However, in the context of writing, genre can refer to poetry, prose or nonfiction in terms…

December 14, 2018

Backdoor Avenues to Publication in Lit Mags

By Jenn Scheck-Kahn Most of us find our first publications in literary magazines as unsolicited writers, meaning we send our manuscripts through a submissions manager on the magazine’s website after meticulously following the guidelines outlined there. Because a lit mag can receive hundreds, if not thousands of manuscripts for a dozen or two spots in…

December 13, 2018

ThunderStone Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Update March 8th, 2023: Website not working. Consider defunct. ThunderStone Books’ motto is global education for young minds. They focus on publishing children’s books with an educational aspect. The attention is particularly on books exploring a new language/culture in a fictional setting. Their area of primary focus is Mandarin Chinese (language, culture, setting and/or mythology)….

Poetry East: Now Seeking Poetry Submissions

Established in 1979, Poetry East is a respected print journal affiliated with DePaul University and helmed in Chicago. They publish accessible poetry, translations, interviews, and criticism with universal appeal and page-turning immediacy. Poetry East has been edited by well-known poet Richard Jones from its first issue published almost 40 years ago. The journal has received…

The Most Common Mistake Writers Make When First Submitting to Publishers

There is one mistake that most authors make when submitting their work to literary journals and magazines for the first time. It is a mistake I made when I first started submitting work. It is a mistake that most of the serious authors I know made. What is that mistake? Is it a terrible cover…

December 10, 2018

Backdoor Avenues Towards Publication in Lit Mags

by Jenn Scheck-Kahn Most of us find our first publications in literary magazines as unsolicited writers, meaning we submit out work through a submissions manager on the magazine’s website after meticulously following the guidelines outlined there. Because a lit mag can receive hundreds, if not thousands of submissions for a dozen or two spots in…

The 10 Major Publishing Trends of 2018

I am starting off this article with a disclaimer. This article is not going to tell you what publishing trends are up and coming. I don’t know whether books about cats in Egypt are going to be the new board book trend or not. That isn’t my area of expertise, and it is not where…

December 6, 2018

Red Deer Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated July 2022: They specifically encourage submissions of Canadian authors. They don’t officially prohibit submissions from non Canadians, but we’ve removed them from listings because of this emphasis/focus. Red Deer Press is a small press based out of Canada. They focus on publishing children’s books. They publish books for a whole range of ages starting…

Paper Darts: Now Seeking Submissions

Paper Darts is an online and print platform for flashes–fiction and nonfiction–that push boundaries, challenge beliefs, and showcase underrepresented perspectives. They pair unexpected flashes from unheard voices with custom artwork, and sometimes dabble like artistic outlaws in deviant endeavors like pop-up shops, art museums, readings, short story collections, vinyl records, and other such obsessions. You…