December 5, 2019

5 Paying Literary Markets to Submit to in December 2019

These magazines pay for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, and are a mix of literary and genre markets. Not all of them are open through the month. LampLight This is a magazine of dark fiction, both short stories and flash fiction. They want work that is dark, literary – creepy, weird, and unsettling. Their guidelines say,…

The Top Three Reasons Authors Need a Writing Community

By Kathryn Haueisen “The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.” – Coretta Scott King Writing by committee is sheer torture for me. Leave me alone until I’ve written what’s been swirling around in my mind, keeping me awake by night and leading me to ignore real people because…

December 2, 2019

25 Themed Calls for Submissions – December 2019

There are 25 themes for the 16 outlets that pay for submissions of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some themes are: community, power, virtual realities, politically incorrect science fiction, feminist fairy tales, faith & politics, always reforming, future crime stories, archives, and fiends in the furrows – folk horror. All of these pay writers, from token…