September 29, 2022

Hedge Apple Halloween Contest: Now Seeking Submissions

Hedge Apple is a literary annual published by Hagerstown Community College in Maryland.  Students and faculty work together to produce the journal, which is published both online and in print. Some issues are themed, and past themes include: “The Wilderness/The City,” “Personal Identity,” and “Paradigm Shift.”  You can read the journal online to get a…

Upper Room: Now Accepting Manuscript Proposals

Upper Room is a Christian press that focuses on “Christian spiritual formation.” The work they publish is designed to appeal to both clergy and lay people. It is designed with individuals and small groups in mind. They “seek writers who offer insights and guidance on these topics: prayer and other spiritual practices, spiritual formation, Advent…

Simple Strategies for Building a Daily Writing Habit

By Emily-Jane Hills Orford We’re not all morning people. Some of us are more alert in the afternoon and evening. I’m a morning person and I’m also a creature of habit. Routines get me going, and make me feel like I’m accomplishing something and getting the day off to a good start. And by having…

September 26, 2022

35 Wonderful International Literary Journals

The bulk of the journals we review are based in North America, with a smattering in the UK. Although we sometimes seek out and include international journals, the bulk of the journals we’ve reviewed are in these two regions. All of the journals in this list are not in either of these regions. They span…

September 22, 2022

Odyssey Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Update June 2023: The last book they published was in October 2022. Since they are a small press more might be forthcoming, but since they are currently closed to submissions it’s not exactly clear what the future holds. Odyssey Books is a small press based in New Zealand. It was founded in 2009 by Michelle…

Random Sample: Now Seeking Submissions

Random Sample is an online journal of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They’re looking for quality writing that expresses the human experience in a unique and accessible way. They want, “work that is decidedly and unabashedly human.” To get a sense of what they publish, you can read the journal online. Random Sample has been published…

How to Actually Use Beta Reader Feedback (And When to Ignore It)

By Aliya Bree Hall Beta readers are usually the first real readers that you’ll get outside of your critique partners that will offer insight into your story. It’s an important stage of the writing process because their comments will help you determine what’s working in your story and what still needs some work. Once you…

September 20, 2022

Case Study: How I Published My Debut Novel Off the Yoga Mat

By Cheryl J. Fish This is part of our ongoing series on how authors published their first book. You can read our other stories in this series, here, here, here, and here. I am writing about what happened to me, at the threshold of publishing my debut novel. After fifteen years, after realizing there are notable paths…

September 19, 2022

30 Literary Magazines Accepting Hybrid/Cross-Genre submissions

These magazines publish cross-genre/hybrid/experimental writing, in some way. Most of these journals also publish other genres. Most, but not all, of them are open for submissions now. Some of these are paying markets. They are listed here in no particular order. Dream Pop Journal They welcome submissions from marginalized voices, and are especially interested in…

September 15, 2022

Case Study: How I Broke Into Traditional Publishing As A Debut Author

By Nev March This is part of our ongoing series on how authors published their first book. You can read our other stories in this series, here, here, and here. “And you’re going to speak at the Edgar Award Ceremony. You’ll go first, before the Edgars,” said Mystery Writers of America director Margery Flax. Jaw…

Wesleyan University Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Proposals on Dance and Music

Wesleyan University Press focuses on poetry, music, dance, science fiction studies, film-TV, and Connecticut history and culture. They have been actively publishing since 1957. Books they have published have won the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award. They are an established and respected university press. Currently they are accepting proposals for books in the…

Defenestration: Now Seeking Submissions

Defenestration is an online magazine of humorous fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Launched in 2003, it’s a well-established publication. They showcase a wide range of humor, from slapstick to satire, in every form and style. To get a sense of what they publish, you can read the magazine online. Defenestration is published three times a year,…

Opportunities Open to Submissions From Historically Underrepresented Voices This September

This list of publishers meet our guiding principles, but are only open to free submissions from historically underrepresented writers or focus on publishing content produced by historically underrepresented writers. Some of these publications are open to a wide range of writers including writers of color, gender non-conforming and LGBTQ+ writers, and those living with disabilities….

3 Things Your Opening Scenes Should Achieve

By Ashley Taylor Clark You’ve done it — you’ve finally crafted the perfect plot, and you know exactly what your inciting event needs to be to get your protagonist started on their adventure. Now you just have to figure out how to get them there. You only have a handful of scenes with which to…

September 12, 2022

Why and Where You Should Start Submitting Your Writing This September

 “I went for years not finishing anything. Because, of course, when you finish something you can be judged… I had poems which were re-written so many times I suspect it was just a way of avoiding sending them out.” — Erica Jong Starting to submit your work to literary journals is a hard task. Before…