February 8, 2024

Opportunities for Historically Underrepresented Authors: February 2024

This list of publishers meet our guiding principles, but are only open to free submissions from historically underrepresented writers or focus on publishing content produced by historically underrepresented writers. Some of these publications are open to a wide range of writers including writers of color, gender non-conforming and LGBTQ+ writers, and those living with disabilities….

February 5, 2024

36 Themed Submission Calls and Contests for February 2024

These are themed calls and contests for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some of the calls are: relationships, hype, strange locations, feminist fairy tales, affection, mercurial, bookmarks, at the edge of darkness, hospitium, and disobedience. THEMED CALLSThe Suburban Review: HypeThis Australian magazine is accepting submissions on the Hype theme. “Put down the to-do lists and pull…

February 1, 2024

5 Paying Literary Magazines to Submit to in February 2024

These magazines pay for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They are a mix of literary and genre magazines. Not all of them are open through the month. The Paris ReviewThey open for prose submissions on 1st February 2024, and will accept submissions via Submittable until they hit their submission cap (which is early on during their…

The Book Folks: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

This London-based publisher specializes in crime fiction, thrillers, and mysteries. They do also publish other genres, but more rarely, including: women’s fiction, literary fiction and romance. Clearly they know the most about publishing and marketing crime fiction, thrillers, and mysteries as that makes up the bulk of their site, and they appear to generally sell…

Sunhouse Literary: Now Seeking Submissions

Sunhouse Literary is a new online journal of poetry and flash prose. Although they accept a wide range of forms and styles, they’re especially interested in publishing experimental writing: “We’re interested in poems and stories that can’t be contained in one shape or narrative or genre. In form that’s been manipulated to house new genres….

Ten Reasons to Write Short Stories

By Simon Kewin For most authors, writing a novel – or many novels – is the ultimate aim of a writing career. It’s fair to say that most people read only novels and it’s certainly true that most publishing houses and agents are interested only in novel manuscripts – although there are exceptions. By and…