December 31, 2015

Inklette: Now Accepting Essays, Fiction, Poetry

Inklette is a newborn literary quarterly that’s growing up fast. This fledgling project began just over a year ago as a humble e-newsletter, and then quickly took flight across the world, publishing emerging and established authors from the United States, Brazil, Turkey, and India. Produced by high school and college students from around the country,…

December 29, 2015

Boxcar Poetry Review: Now Accepting Submissions of Poetry

Like a train barreling out of a mountain, the poetry in Boxcar Review is both surprising and uncompromising—a vehicle of irresistible force that transports readers beyond the ordinary. With reprints regularly appearing in the Best of the Net Anthology, Boxcar promises to publish the choicest poems they can find. Lyric, narrative, and everything in-between, the…

December 23, 2015

The Twelve Best Literary Journals of 2015

In 2015 Authors Publish reviewed well over 50 literary journals. Some were just summary reviews as part of a larger list, but most were comprehensive reviews that described submission guidelines and the journal’s preferences. As a way of celebrating 2015, we have created a list of the top twelve literary journals we reviewed this year….

The Twelve Best Manuscript Publishers of 2015

There are a lot of publishers out there and it can be overwhelming to find the right ones. We help authors by reviewing one publisher a week. Some of these reviews are glowing, others are deservedly mixed. Below are the top publishers that we have reviewed in 2015. All of these publishers are open to…

Our Eleven Most Popular Articles of 2015

Of the many articles we published on writing and publishing this year, the following eleven were our most popular in the magazine and on Facebook. They also had the most positive feedback in terms of emails and comments. It is interesting to see the range of ideas these articles cover within the realm of writing….

December 17, 2015

Southern Indiana Review: Now Accepting Submissions

Southern Indiana Review, a print publication of Southern Indiana University, is a biannual journal of poetry, fiction, drama, nonfiction, interviews, reviews, and art. While they showcase well-known contributors from across the nation, they also devote pages to local and emerging writers. They publish many styles of writing—literary, experimental, personal, humorous, critical, and the like—on many…

December 16, 2015

WiDo Publishing: Book Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Last Updated November, 2017 A small family run publisher, WiDo publishes fiction and nonfiction books. They are currently particularly interested in science fiction, fantasy, mystery/suspense, and nonfiction essay collections and memoirs. They added a vanity publishing arm last year, but said they initially said they would not redirect submissions from the traditional publisher to the…

December 14, 2015

Do We Have To Write Every Day?

Written by Mori Glaser Many writers say it’s essential to write every day – anything, even a few words for a few minutes. I see how this conventional wisdom can help launch a project or keep an existing one moving along, especially when there is a deadline. Certainly long pieces of writing such as novels…

December 11, 2015

10 Things You Should Never Do When Self-Publishing Your Novel

Written By Savanna Williams If you’ve never self-published a book before, it’s easy to fall prey to a lot of faulty advice. Many people are eager to tell you “Just write, upload, and watch the money flow in!” If only it was that easy. Self-publishing is just as difficult as traditional publishing, just in its…

10 (more) Literary Journals that Pay Writers

One of the most popular articles we’ve published is a list of 10 journals that pay their writers. You can read that article here. This list is a collection of 10 more journals that pay. Not all are currently open to submissions, but most are. All publish creative work. Some pay well, others offer a…

December 10, 2015

Henery Press: Book Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Updated October 16th, 2018. They are no longer accepting unaganted submissions with three exceptions. Henery Press is a small publisher that focuses on publishing mystery and chick lit. Their mysteries are generally on the cozier side. They publish print and electronic editions of their books. A number of their books have sold well on Amazon….

Increase Your Book Sales – Add Libraries to the Mix

According to the American Library Association there are over one hundred and twenty thousand libraries in the United States.  That’s a wonderful thing for a writer to know because libraries buy books.  In our zeal to get our name out there by way of bookstore signings, conventions, blog tours etc., we often overlook our loyal…

3 Anthologies Seeking Submissions

These three anthologies are all seeking submissions. The first deadline is January 4th. great weather for MEDIA a small press based out of NYC seeks poetry, flash fiction, short stories, dramatic monologues, and creative nonfiction for their annual print anthology. Their focus is on the fearless, the unpredictable, and the experimental. The deadline is January…

The Bitter Oleander: Submission Guidelines (Poetry & Fiction)

Since 1974, The Bitter Oleander has been publishing uncommon writing—poetry and fiction that unhinges the door of imagination. Beyond the contrivances of culture and habit, the Bitter Oleander brings readers and authors from around the world face to face with one another and their uncovered selves. Their pages host the lofty music of linguistic rhythm…

December 3, 2015

The Malahat Review: Submission Guidelines

The Malahat Review is a Canadian literary quarterly publishing poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, reviews, interviews, and essays from Canada and abroad. Established in 1967, this long-running journal is among Canada’s most essential reads. The Malahat Review publishes all styles of writing—they simply seek to promote excellent literature.  They aim to support emerging writers, especially those…