March 30, 2017

BlazeVOX: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Update January 2023: They have a history of not responding to submissions they are not interested in, even though this is not part of their submission guidelines. Many authors find this frustrating, so please keep this in mind when approaching them. BlazeVOX [books] presents innovative fictions and wide ranging fields of contemporary poetry. Our books…

The Black Napkin: Now Seeking Poetry Submissions

The Black Napkin, an online poetry journal launched in 2016, is now seeking submissions for their upcoming issues. They are looking for poetry penned with urgent strength, poetry that needs to be heard. They like writing that disrupts the borderlines of genre and identity, and they actively seek work by marginalized poets–people of color, people…

The Reality of Being Unliked (and what you can do about it)

For the author of today, building a loyal following is everything. This applies equally to independent and traditionally published authors, as these days even traditionally published writers are required to do a lot of their platform building themselves. This may include building an email list, blogging regularly, and running various social media pages to increase…

March 27, 2017

How to Get an Agent for Your Book

Most of the big 5 traditional publishers work with literary agents for most of their imprints. The same goes for some smaller presses. There are still wonderful publishers to submit to if you are going without an agent, but then your manuscript has to go through the dreaded slush pile. There are lots of arguments…

March 23, 2017

Parvus Press: Accepting Full Manuscript Submissions

UPDATED April 7, 2021: Their site is listed as under maintenance. This is a probably a bad sign but could be a good one. Updated August 25, 2020 – They are taking this summer to re-assess their strategies and decide which route to take forward. They will not be responding to submissions till early fall….

Mortar: Now Seeking Submissions

Mortar is a brand new online literary magazine seeking of-the-moment poetry, fiction, and nonfiction spoken from the cultural outskirts. They want to broadcast the voices of women, those who identify as gender-nonconforming, those who are non-heteronormative, and all others who identify with the mortar: the often-unnoticed margins around the big brick. They are looking for…

March 22, 2017

Four Economical Ways to Get Your Work Edited

By Aisha Idris For chefs, a new dish should never be served to a large audience without being taste tested. Similarly, when you write a new piece you will always require someone to read your work and correct it for a smoother reading experience. Editing is essential if you are about to send your work…

March 20, 2017

Fifteen Literary Journals That Respond Within A Month

Submitting to journals with a quick response time is one of the best ways to stay motivated, not in terms of writing, but in terms of submitting. After all, if you submit to a journal and don’t hear anything (for up to a year) it is hard to feel motivated about submitting elsewhere. Yet journals…

March 16, 2017

Level Best Books: Accepting Submissions

 Updated October 24th, 2023 – Recently we’ve received reports about various issues occurring at Level Best Books, including but not limited to delayed release issues, issues with filing for copyright, etc. We have seen proof of some of these issues, and we are encouraging authors to steer clear. Level Best Books publishes an annual anthology…

Oyster River Pages: Now Seeking Submissions

Oyster River Pages is a new online literary journal formed by four literary connoisseurs who hope to showcase good literature that’s gone unnoticed. Frustrated by the amount of thoughtful writing that never gets read, the editors of Oyster River Pages want to create an online literary community that redefines “publishable” and celebrates newly discovered work….

Five Anthologies Seeking Submission: From Folk Horror to Poetry

Here are submission calls for anthologies for a variety of topics and genres; poetry about rifts in America, romance fiction, apocalyptic and New England horror fiction, and more. None charge a submission fee. Cat’s breakfast: an anthology of science fiction/satire Third Flatiron pays tribute to Kurt Vonnegut on the 10th anniversary of his death. They…

The Importance of Beta Readers

By Jana Begovic Both the ancient Roman poet Horace and the Greek philosopher Longinus agreed that the purpose of literature is to instruct and delight the reader. However, once carried away on the wings of inspiration, authors may not always have a specific readership or a genre in mind, and can only hope the products…

March 9, 2017

Black Lyon Publishing: Accepting Book Manuscripts

Updated August 2023 Black Lyon Publishing is a small but established publisher of romance novels, eBook and printed, out of Oregon. Some of their books also have audio versions. They just recently started to publish works of non-fiction. The non-fiction categories they are interested in are as follows: Politics & Government (Opinions or satire, American…

8 Literary Magazines Seeking Translations / Essays on Translations

Given the fragmented and divided nature of the world today, understanding and seeing other worldviews suddenly assumes more significance than it ever did. Translations and translators form an important part of this. Here is a list of literary journals accepting translations or translated works, or essays on translations, for which submissions are now open. Exchanges,…

March 7, 2017

Evocative Word Lists for Writing

By Virginia Brasch As a writer, I’ve seen many great lists: descriptive words, adjectives, strong verbs, over used adverbs, clichés to avoid, romantic words, crutch words, and on and on. I also love to scribble in notebooks when my own manuscripts need rethinking, something to keep my hands busy and my mind moving in a…