May 25, 2017

Andersen Press: Now Accepting Book Submissions

Andersen Press is a British book publishing company that specializes in Children’s books. They also have an American branch. It was founded in 1976 by Klaus Flugge, and was named after Hans Christian Andersen. Random House has a holding in the company and has a strong association with Andersen. Andersen Press is open to unsolicited…

Spadina Literary Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Launched in 2011, Spadina Literary Review is a Canadian literary magazine with an international readership. They publish poetry, fiction, graphic fiction, nonfiction, reviews, and anything else with literary merit. Their clean, no-fuss online magazine resembles a print publication in layout and design. They like writing that’s coherent and concise, understandable to a broad range of…

How to Find a Good Freelance Editor

When readers purchase a book, they are investing their time and energy in a product they believe is worth their money. The last thing a reader wants to find in a book, especially if it is self-published, is spelling errors, poor content and a manuscript riddled with the incorrect use of punctuation. Hiring a freelance…

May 22, 2017

20 Literary Journals for New Writers

These literary magazines publish work by new and upcoming writers. Some publish work along with established writers, including Pulitzer Prize winners, and are placed in award anthologies and nominated for various prizes. Although these magazines publish work by new writers, some may be extremely competitive to get into, as they also publish work by established and…

May 18, 2017

The Quarto Publishing Group: Now Accepting Book Proposals

The Quarto Publishing Group is an international publishing house known for its illustrated books. They publish most of their work through a number of niche imprints each with their own focus. All of their US imprints are distributed by Hachette. Their imprints are all nonfiction. They publish a lot of cookbooks and gift books. They…

Beech Street Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Beech Street Review is an online poetry journal publishing poems with dirty fingernails, calloused hands, and sweaty foreheads. They are looking for poetry that expresses the grit and down-to-earth labor that went into creating it. They are more concerned with honesty than with artistry. While still respecting the craft, they prefer poetry that isn’t afraid…

Three Different Types of Edits Writers Should Be Aware Of

Self-publishing has never been easier for a writer. Today, becoming a published writer is as easy as a simple click. Writers, however, must never forget that books are products that readers pay for – and a paying market demands a high quality, value-for-money product. Before self-publishing or querying a book, writers should ensure that their…

May 10, 2017

The Puritan: Accepting Submissions

The Puritan is an online publication based out of Toronto, Canada. They are an established online journal. They publish poetry, fiction, novelette’s, flash fiction, essays, and interviews on a quarterly basis. The editors have a good eye and the work they publish is generally very engaging. It is very helpful to read an issue before…

ImaJinn Books:

UPDATED August 2023: They do not appear to be acquiring books any more and are publishing very few through the imprint. UPDATED May 2021: They have been acquired by BelleBooks/BellBridge. The ImaJinn imprint is still publishing paranormal romance, science fiction and fantasy romance, and the occasional urban fantasy, but most of the straight urban fantasy…

Online Writing Contests: Approach with Caution

Writing contests have grown in popularity over the last few years. The huge leaps in the development and accessibility of social media technology means that it is now easier than ever to enter writing contests. While writing contests offer writers the opportunity to catch the eye of a literary agent or publisher, they also have…

May 7, 2017

Eleven Ways to Boost Your Creativity

If you have writer’s block, this list should be extremely helpful. If you don’t have writer’s block, this list should be extremely helpful. If you don’t believe in writer’s block this list should be extremely helpful. I am a big believer in this quote by Pablo Picasso: “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you…

May 1, 2017

Ten Respected Publishers That Accept Unsolicited Submissions

All of the publishers on this list have published books that won or were nominated by industry members for awards. All of these publishers have good distribution. I personally own or have read at least one book by all of the publishers on this list. All of these publishers are open to unsolicited submissions ––…