October 29, 2018

The Six Month Novel Writing Plan for 2018/2019

Most authors have heard of National Novel Writing Month, also known as NaNoWriMo. It is a novel writing challenge where participants try to write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November. Many famous authors, including John Green Rainbow Rowell have participated. But for many writers that work full time writing a novel in…

October 25, 2018

University of Saint Katherine Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated March 31 2021: They do not seem to be releasing new books. Consider defunct. “By publishing both academic and creative works that contribute to a global exploration and understanding of human life from a range of Christian perspectives, University of Saint Katherine Press participates in the discovery and dissemination of Inquiry Seeking Wisdom, which is…

Foundry: Now Seeking Poetry Submissions

Foundry is an online poetry journal exploring the concept of the poem as a made object. They publish poetry from both emerging and established poets, and poems published in Foundry have received the Pushcart Prize, appeared on Verse Daily, and have been selected for Bettering American Poetry. Since 2016, Foundry has been published quarterly in…

October 22, 2018

14 Major Book Publishers Always Open to Submissions

Some publishers open and close their doors to submissions on a routine basis. It can be hard to determine if they are open or shut to submissions, and when you should submit. The following 14 publishers, however, are always open to submissions from writers without agents or previous publishing experience. They are all respected publishers…

October 18, 2018

ECW Press: Accepting Submissions

ECW Press is an established Canadian publisher. They accept poetry, fiction, and non-fiction submissions from Canadians. They only accept non-fiction submissions from international submitters.  I can not stress this enough – if you are not a Canadian, you can only submit non-fiction to them. Within Canada, ECW Press has good distribution. They also have excellent…

Metafore Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Founded in 2016 by students of Maharishi University’s BFA in Creative and Professional Writing program, Metafore is a new electronic journal of metamodern transcendental literature. They publish poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and hybrid form writing that speaks with the ancient wisdom of the modern, workaday mystic. They’re looking for literature that touches the unfathomable depths of…

The Shame List: Manuscript Publishers Who Always Charge to Submit

All of the publishers included on this list are traditional publishers. They are not vanity or assisted presses that charge their authors in order to publish their books. Many are respected publishers with good distribution. Most primarily publish poetry manuscripts. We have written at length before about why this problem affects poets the most. We…

October 10, 2018

Wundor Editions: Now Seeking Manuscript Submissions

Updated March 17th, 2020: They appear to be permanently closed. A ‘wundor’is a miracle or a powerful feat of creativity. It is also a monster or a strange creature. It is an Old English word which runs the breadth of the artistic imagination and its unlimited potential. “Wundor Editions is committed to publishing innovative and…

October 4, 2018

Allen & Unwin: Accepting Submissions

Updated May 17th,  2023, they are no longer open to submissions from not Australians or/New Zealanders for First Fridays. Allen & Unwin is a large independent Australian Press that is open to submissions on a wide range of topics. They have won a number of Australian publisher awards. They accept based on pitches, and have…

October 3, 2018

SmokeLong Quarterly: Now Seeking Flash Fiction Submissions

SmokeLong Quarterly is a respected online journal established in 2003 dedicated exclusively to flash fiction. They take their name from the Chinese moniker for flash fiction–smokelong story–a tale that can be read in the time it takes to smoke a cigarette. They are looking for uncommon flashes that employ surprising language, purposeful fiction arising from…

Twelve Famous Authors Who Didn’t Get Published Until Their Fifties (Or Older)

Often people tell me they are too old to become a writer. Sometimes these people are in their thirties or forties, sometimes they are in their fifties and sixties. But the fact remains the same, no matter how old you are, you are not to0 old to become a writer. Many authors started writing later…

Speaking Volumes Redirects Submissions to Hybrid Imprint

As part of our Guiding Principles at Authors Publish we promise to only review traditional publishers. We have been following our guiding principles for five years now, and we like to think they define who we are as a publication. We always ask subscribers to update us if a press we have reviewed has started…

October 1, 2018

19 Themed Calls for Submissions

There are themed submission calls for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some of the themes are urban crime, American gothic, breaking with tradition, winter holidays, coffee and furries, occult detectives, steam and lace (steampunk), games, stories expanding on H G Wells’ War of the Worlds, children’s fiction, fantasy stories featuring mental health and magic, LGBTQ romance…

The Ten Most Common Manuscript Submission Mistakes

When I talk to agents, writers, and editors I always hear them complain of the same mistakes over and over again. The other day I was reading a back issue of Poets & Writers and based on the question “What kind of submissions do you not take seriously?” (I am paraphrasing here), I was able…