November 29, 2018

Black Spot Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated March 22cd, 2019 – They are currently closed to submissions and that part of the site is currently password protected. We will keep tabs on the site and see if/when they re-open to direct submissions. Black Spot Books just celebrated its one-year anniversary. They are a new speculative fiction publisher that considers work in…

Belle Ombre: Now Accepting Submissions

Belle Ombre is a UK-based literary journal that publishes a wide variety of writing. They publish fiction, poetry, and memoir, all rather standard, as well as portraits of established artists/authors, scientific and academic writing, travel writing, and journalism. Belle Ombre was founded in 2017, so they are still relatively new. They are an online literary…

November 26, 2018

Using Scrivener to Play the Submissions Game

By John Burnham As an aspiring writer, I make regular submissions to literary journals. It’s an enjoyable activity, full of challenges and satisfaction. But, it creates an admin task that’s not so much fun. I have to keep track of what pieces I’ve submitted, what journal the submission went to, and what the response was….

Seven Publishers That Accept Memoir Submissions (No Agent Required)

Memoir publishers that don’t require an agent to submit are few and far between. However, there are still options out there.  Some are old and respected, others are new and still figuring things out. Not all the publishers on this list are currently open to submissions, but most are. City Lights Books City Lights Books…

November 21, 2018

Watershed Books: Now Seeking Young Adult Books

Watershed Books is an imprint of Pelican Book Group. Watershed publishes Christian fiction aimed at readers between the ages of 14 and 19. They want the books to appeal to older readers as well. It is a good idea to browse their catalog to see what they have previously published. This will also give you…

Plainsongs Poetry Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

In print since 1980, Plainsongs is an established poetry journal produced by Hastings College Press in Hastings, Nebraska. They are looking for poetry composed of living language as vital and expansive as the great plains. And, they prefer verse that lives in the present while honoring its modernist and post-modernist heritage. Plainsongs publishes both free…

3 Reasons Imitation is a Gateway to Originality

By Katey Schultz Imitation, at first mention, is often shunned in writing circles. Admittedly, it can be confused with plagiarism, although in my work as a teacher and author, I see the two as very, very different. Think about classical painters who spend years imitating Monet before beginning original works of their own. Consider some…

November 19, 2018

8 Wonderful New Literary Journals

The following is a list of 8 new literary journals. All of these journals have been around for less than six months. In my experience, there are many reasons to seek publication in these journals. When a literary journal is new, the editors tend to be a lot more passionate. I have gotten handwritten thank…

November 15, 2018

Mischief & Mayham: Now Seeking Manuscript Submissions

Updated March 2025 Mischief and Mayhem are the YA imprints of the romance publisher Entangled Publishing. Until recently they were called Entangled Teen, but they have since been rebranded. Please read the review of Entangled Publishing first, as they have had a number of issues over the years, that you should take into consideration. Mischief…

Barnstorm: Now Seeking Submissions

A well-established online journal of creative nonfiction, poetry, and short stories, Barnstorm is always seeking submissions. Founded in 2009 and produced by the MFA program in Creative Writing at the University of New Hampshire, Barnstorm has been publishing literature in a wide range of forms and styles for almost a decade. They accept submissions from…

How to Use Facebook Live to Promote Your Writing

— Jen Kolic Did you know that a whopping 78% of Facebook users view live content? And there are ten times more comments on livestream videos than regular videos—that’s an amazing level of engagement! These were just some of the astounding facts shared by Phylecia Jones, budgetologist at Keeping Up With Mrs. Jones. Jones and…

November 12, 2018

40 Literary Journals that Pay

“It is a sad fact about our culture that a poet can earn much more money writing or talking about his art than he can by practicing it.” W.H. Auden As someone who makes their living writing about writing and publishing, I can attest to how truthful Auden’s quote is. It is hard making a…

November 8, 2018

March 4th Inc.: Now Accepting Book Submissions

Updated March 22cd 2019 – Their website is no longer functioning and there is no new information on SourceBooks website about how to submit to them. March 4th Inc. is the re-branded name of Little Pickle Press. Little Pickle Press was bought by SourceBooks in 2017. However they now have three imprints, one is called…

Levitate: Now Seeking Submissions of Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction

A brand new print journal produced by the Chicago High School for the Arts, Levitate is seeking poetry, fiction, and nonfiction in all forms and styles, experimental and traditional. They hope to curate a collection of literary art that showcases authorial passion and inspires confidence in writers of all ages and backgrounds. They especially want…

Four Guidelines for Writing (and Publishing) Without an Agent

You do not need an agent to write and sell books. Since 2006, I have written and found publishers for three nonfiction books and two novels. While the publishing path for each book has varied, my approach to writing remains steadfast (and may help you find publishing success, too). 1. First and foremost, if you…