April 30, 2019

Zoetrope: An Excellent Source of Feedback for Your Writing

by Silver Damsen One of the axioms of being a writer is that one has to write. I agree; writing is the most important aspect of being a writer. If one doesn’t write, one isn’t a writer. The second most important is to publish. Unfortunately, the distance between writing and publishing can seem daunting. The…

April 29, 2019

Manuscript Publishers That Have Geographic Restrictions

All of the presses on this list meet all but one of our guiding principles. All of these presses only accept work from writers with a specific geographic region or nationality. Because of that we have never reviewed these presses, but they are still good presses. This list article is a bit of an experiment…

April 25, 2019

Shadow Mountain: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Update January 1, 2022, ALL submissions to Shadow Mountain Publishing or Ensign Peak must be represented by a literary agent. Shadow Mountain Publishing, however, will open to unagented and unsolicited manuscripts ONLY during the following dates: March 1 through March 7 June 1 through June 7 September 1 through September 7 December 1 through December…

The Blue Tiger Review: Now Seeking Submissions

A brand-new literary journal from the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (JI), The Blue Tiger Review is seeking fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, translations, and flash writing from both emerging and established authors. They are uniquely interested in publishing work by high school and university ESL students, alongside work by veteran authors. The…

How To Encourage Young Writers

When I was a child my fondness for writing was often met with smiles and praise, but rarely with helpful or genuine encouragement. In fact, when I announced that I wanted to be a writer when I grew up, most people tried to talk me out of it. There’s no money in it, they would…

April 22, 2019

17 Literary Journals that Read Submissions “Blind”

A “blind” submission is one that is submitted to the literary journal in a way that the readers and editors can read all the submissions without knowing the name or anything else about the author who submitted to the journal. The idea is that it takes any bias someone might have against or for a…

April 16, 2019

UNO Press: Now Accepting Book Proposals

UNO (the University of New Orleans) Press publishes fiction, nonfiction, and academic work that focuses on, but is not limited to, the southeastern region of the United States. It is easy to get a feel for what they publish by visiting their store. I do not know who their distributor is, but most university presses…

Selcouth Station: Now Seeking Submissions

Updated August 14th, 2023. They are now Defunct. An online platform and creative community featuring artistic work of all kinds, Selcouth Station is a friendly, approachable publisher. They aim to support and promote creativity with a welcoming, inspiring vibe, and they warmly invite beginners to share and collaborate with the community. Since 2017, Selcouth Station…

How To Write (And Edit) Nonfiction That People Want To Read

Katie Lawrence Many a writer has sat down, written a fairly decent piece, and was left without a clue of what to do next. This occurs particularly often in the realm and genre of narrative nonfiction. Naturally, we have our applications set up to check for grammar mistakes, and we ensure that our message has…

April 15, 2019

24 Publishers of Literary Fiction that Accept Submissions Without an Agent

Literary fiction is one of the harder genres to get published in without an agent. There are smaller presses that specialize in it, but unfortunately more and more of those presses are now charging reading fees. However, there are still good options of authors who are unagented and are averse to paying reading fees. The…

April 11, 2019

Text Publishing: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

UPDATED JUNE 2021, They are now open only to unsolicited submissions from Australia and New Zealand. UPDATED MAY 5Th 2020 – Because of the COVID-19 crisis they are now accepting submissions via email, and are no longer accepting mailed submissions. This might change after the crisis abates. Text Publishing in an Australian press that has…

Clementine Unbound: Always Seeking Poetry and Prose

An online poetry journal established in 2015, Clementine Unbound is seeking, “fresh and tangy poems.” The attractive, minimalist journal is published weekly by retired writer and editor G.F. Boyer. She likes skillfully honed, musical poems that demonstrate keen awareness of language. She publishes all styles—formal, free verse, experimental, and prose poetry. She also accepts essays…

Amazon and Authors: A Symbiotic or Parasitic Relationship?

By Antaeus When it comes to books, Amazon is king. It is the place where authors go to publish their books, and where readers go to browse and buy. Without Amazon, authors would be hard-pressed to publish their work. Without authors, Amazon would not be what it is today. I’ve been self-publishing on Amazon for…

April 8, 2019

25 Poetry Markets Seeking Submissions During Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month. To celebrate, here is a list of 25 poetry markets that accept poetry submissions in April 2019. They do not charge a fee to publish, or they have fee-free options (like free mailed submissions, or free online submissions during certain periods), and many of them pay writers. Several magazines and…

April 4, 2019

Transmundane Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated January 19th 2021, They are currently on hiatus and there’s no indicators that they will return. Transmundane Press is a small press that is always open to submissions and publishes print and electronic books. They don’t say a lot about the genre they publish on their site, but based on browsing their back catalog…