November 4, 2021

Case Study: How Claudette on the Keys Got Published

By Joanne Culley  The story I’d been working on had gone through multiple evolutions, from a strictly factual account, to a blend of fact and fiction, until it had reached the point where I was calling it a novel. The story was loosely based on the lives of my grandparents, a two-piano four-hands team who…

November 1, 2021

38 Themed Calls for Submissions for November 2021

Here is a list of 38 themed submission calls and contests for writers of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some themes are: healers, midwives, and cunning folk; charm; extinction; tales of savagery and slaughter; teenagers; woodland terrors; pirating pups; and shattering the glass slipper. Also see this list for some upcoming themed deadlines. THEMED SUBMISSION CALLS…