November 29, 2021

17 Literary Journals Open to Publishing Reprints

Publishing your work is wonderful. Even though my work has been published hundreds of times, I still get excited every time a new publication containing my work gets released. However, once you have published a short story or a poem, most literary journals are not interested in publishing it again. After all, it has already…

November 24, 2021

Cerasus Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Cerasus Magazine is a print publication featuring poetry, fiction, prose, and artwork from around the world. Each edition includes work from twenty or so contributors. Although the magazine is only available for purchase, you can preview a selection of the content for free on Amazon to get a sense of their style. So far, Cerasus…

Creating a Successful Author Patreon

By Aliya Hall Outside of book sales and contest prizes, it can be challenging for authors to bring in income for their creative writing skills. Fortunately, there’s a handful of websites where fans can directly pay authors for their creative goods, all while authors grow their reader base. Patreon is one of the best options…

November 22, 2021

30 Wonderful International Literary Journals

The bulk of the journals we review are based in North America, with a smattering in the UK. Although we sometimes seek out and include international journals, the bulk of the journals we’ve reviewed are in these two regions. All of the journals in this list are not in either of these regions. They span…

November 18, 2021

Magination Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

UPDATED  January 19th 2023: They appear to no longer be accepting submissions. There are no longer any guidelines on their website. Magination Press is the children’s book imprint of the American Psychological Association. As a publisher they focus on sharing mental health expertise and psychological knowledge. The books they publish include bestsellers and much-loved family…

Magma Poetry: Now Seeking Submissions

Magma is an established and respected online and print journal, publishing poetry from emerging authors alongside established voices. They’ve showcased work by Seamus Heaney, Alice Oswald, Mark Doty, and Gillian Clarke, among other well-known poets. Every issue of Magma is curated by a different group of editors. They have a rotating editorial staff, and they…

Small Press versus Big House: How Does a Thoughtful, Ambitious Author Decide?

By JoAnneh Nagler I remember the week it happened. I was writing my first book,  was two-thirds of the way through it, and I suddenly lost my nerve.  Or, more accurately, I got angry—pissed off, actually. I had the suddenly-occurring realization that I could spend all this time writing my beloved book, and it was…

Feedback Request! Frequently Asked Questions

We are just now putting together a FAQ section for the Authors Publish website. We’ve been around for almost nine years and some questions we’ve answered hundreds of times over the years, so we already know to include them, but if there are any questions you’ve been contemplating over the years or are just now…

November 15, 2021

28 Literary Markets that Accept Poetry

These magazines and outlets publish poetry of various kinds. Many of them also publish other genres, like fiction and nonfiction. Some of them pay. Most, but not all, are open for submissions now. They  are listed in no particular order. West Branch This well-regarded literary magazine from Bucknell University publishes poems (send up to 6…

November 11, 2021

Steerforth Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Steerforth Press was launched in 1993, with a catalog featuring a “Manifesto for a New Press” which stated “Our interests fall into no category, no field, no niche; our tests of a book’s worth are whether it has been written well, is intended to engage the full attention of the reader, and has something new…

Gigantic Sequins: Now Seeking Submissions

Gigantic Sequins is a black and white print journal. They were started in Brooklyn, and are currently primarily based in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, with outposts throughout the US in Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, & more. They are highly respected and have a low acceptance rate. They publish poetry, fiction, nonfiction, as well as art…

Bringing Your Characters to Life Through the “Five Whys”

By Sarina Byron Writing is a skill that brings all of life together. It is a skill where we pour all of our experiences, observations, hopes and beliefs into creating a story and characters that we hope will outlive us. We can all conjure up an imaginary person but how do we bring that imaginary…

November 8, 2021

Eight Exciting New Literary Journals

In my experience, there are many reasons to seek publication in journals that have been around for less than a year. When a literary journal is new, the editors tend to be a lot more passionate. I have gotten handwritten thank you cards from editors of new publications, something that has never happened when my…

November 4, 2021

woolgathering: Now Seeking Submissions

Updated November 4th 2021 4 pm: Their website is currently down due to too many visitors. Please do not visit the link at this time. woolgathering is a new journal established in 2021 and based in the Philippines.  Their goal is to publish new and established writers from around the world. They publish art, prose,…

5 Paying Literary Markets to Submit to in November 2021

These markets pay for submissions of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Most are open for submissions now; one is scheduled to open for submissions later this month.   Escape Artists: PodCastle and Cast of Wonders Apart from their CatsCast submission call (which closes in 2022), two magazines in the Escape Artists suite are open/will open submissions…