June 8, 2023

Rushing Thru the Dark: Now Seeking Drama Submissions

Rushing Thru the Dark, a print and digital annual produced by Choeofpleirn Press, is a journal entirely dedicated to publishing one-act plays and short screenplays. They’re looking for dramas with engaging dialogue and scene descriptions, clear plots, and strong character development. Choeofpleirn Press also publishes a journal called Coneflower Café for short fiction and a…

My Journey from Self Publishing to Traditional Publication

By Rachel Presser Back in 2015, I started my own consulting business and soon added writing for hire services. With a goal to have a flexible income source that paid more than my last salaried job at a tax law office and let me focus on game development, I knew I couldn’t rely on grinding…

June 5, 2023

32 Themed Submissions Calls for June 2023

These are submission calls and contests for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some of the call themes are: Guiding Sparks Between the Words – How Stories Illuminate the World Around Us; Trauma; Fracture; Cosmos; Space Brides, LLC; Open All Night; Pentacles; and Shadows on the Water. THEMED SUBMISSIONS CALLS Apparition Lit: CreatureApparition Lit is a quarterly…

June 1, 2023

5 Paying Literary Magazines to Submit to in June 2023

These magazines publish fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They are a mix of literary and genre magazines. Not all of these magazines are open through the month. Lightspeed Lightspeed publishes science fiction and fantasy. They have very brief submission windows – they will be open to submissions of science fiction flash stories from all writers from 1st…

Book of Matches: Now Seeking Submissions

Book of Matches is an online journal of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, established in 2020. They aim to “celebrate the best in humanity through the very real magic of words.” They’re interested in both the knowing that comes through living, and the unknowing too. You can get a sense of what they publish by…

Westminster John Knox Press (WJK): Now Accepting Book Proposals

Westminster John Knox Press (WJK) is the academic and trade imprint of the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation. They have published many established Christian scholars, including Marjorie Thompson, Cornel West, and Rowan Williams. They are just a faith based publisher which means all of their work is rooted in Christianity, and they are not a good publisher…

How to Set Concrete Goals for Your Writing

By Ratika Deshpande One of the most helpful things I’ve done for my writing is setting concrete goals. Writers struggle to establish a daily writing habit because, well, building habits is difficult, and we have other responsibilities that need our attention–jobs, families, health. In all that mess and uncertainty and lack of time, a concrete…