April 8, 2015

Memes: A Novel Way to Market Your Novel

All authors, especially Independent Authors (Indie Authors), seek to promote their work for maximum exposure. They have mastered the craft of writing, but they are not confident in their marketing. Budgets for new writers are dismal; they do not lend themselves to aggressive advertising. Traditionally, Indie Authors rely on word-of mouth, which is still the…

The Wardrobe: Open to Submissions

The Wardrobe is an online journal based out of the UK. They publish writers of all nationalities. However, the work they publish focuses on a very specific subject: clothes. You can choose to interpret this theme in any number of ways, but to ignore it completely is to ensure rejection. This is how the journals…

Bold Strokes Books: Accepting Submissions

Bold Strokes Books publishes only LGBTQ books, which means that its books feature characters that are lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, trans, and queer. They publish general and genre fiction. They offer advances to their authors. Bold Strokes is interested in publishing books that fall under the LGBTQ umbrella including literary fiction, romance novels, young-adult novels, genre…

April 2, 2015

5 Literary Journals that Publish Longer Fiction

Most literary journals are only intrusted in publishing short stories that are up to 3,000 words in length.  So it can be harder for someone who wrote a longer short story to place it in a good home, unless they are publishing a collection of short stories. The following literary journals are all open to…

Boroughs Publishing: Now Accepting Romance Manuscript Submissions

Updated June 15th, 2022: Based on their listing with California Secretary of State website – they have had a history of issues in the past, but they always seem to return to good standing. This may or may not be a red flag. Boroughs Publishing Group is an e-publisher that focuses on publishing romance novels,…