April 29, 2015

One Story: Accepting Submissions

One Story publishes one short story every three weeks. They have a print and e-versions of the story that they publish. Often the published story is accompanied by an interview with the author of the story. They have published a number of respected and best selling authors including Elizabeth Gilbert, B.J. Novak, Stephen O’Connor, and…

SilkWords: A Choose Your Own Romance Publisher

SilkWords is an online romance and erotica publisher with a focus on a choose-your-own-adventure format. Characters of their books navigate through a world the reader chooses; the character might go on a blind date only to leave with someone the reader’s chose and turning the story through another twist. These short, interactive romance and erotica…

April 23, 2015

Barrelhouse: Now Accepting Submissions

Update: BarrelHouse Just closed to submissions. We apologize for the inconvenience. Barrelhouse is a respected and prestigious literary journal that accepts very few of the submissions it receives. They are primarily a biannual print publication, but they also have an online edition that publishes different work as well.  They publish poetry, short fiction, non-fiction, and…

The Eunoia Review: Accepting Submissions

Based in Singapore and founded in October 2010, the Eunoia Review is a literary journal that accepts submissions all year long. The Review aims to showcase work that exemplifies “beautiful thinking.” They usually print original, unpublished poetry, fiction and creative non-fiction, though they accept the occasional reprint, provided the writer still owns his/her rights to…

Five Star: Now Accepting Genre Novel Manuscripts

Last Updated April 15th, 2016 Five Star is an imprint of the publisher Gale which is a part of  the large academic company Cengage Learning. Cengage Learning, Five Star, and Gale, are all respected publishers, with established track records, good distribution and many ties to schools, colleges, universities, and libraries. They are a large company…

April 22, 2015

Five Major Book Publishers Always Open To Submissions

Some publishers open and close their doors to submissions on a routine basis. It is hard to determine if they are open or shut to submissions and when you should submit.  The following five publishers are always open to submissions from publishers without agents or previous publishing experience. They are all respected publishers with good…

April 20, 2015

5 English Language Journals around the World

It is a common phenomenon with writers: once we start researching a subject, it tends to consume us until we don’t know when “enough is enough” and we can stop seeking more information. Is this a bad thing? If it keeps you from ever putting pen to paper, then yes. However, if it serves to…

14 Myths About Writers

What does it mean to be a writer? People have strong opinions. Many of them are true, many are wrong. There are so many false assumptions, Clichés, and myths out there surrounding writers. Some of these myths contain some level of truth, others are nothing but rumors and a singular memorable example. Here are 14…

April 18, 2015

How Fan Fiction Made Me A Better Writer

I started out writing when I was very young. In high school, I spent most of my free time writing. This was true of my first few college years as well. In my free time I wrote novels. I didn’t share them, except with the occasional friend. I was writing into an abyss, or I…

April 17, 2015

Duke University Press: Open To Submissions

Duke University Press is a respected academic press. Like most academic presses, they publish well researched books on a wide variety of subjects. The list of subjects they publish book on include: Latin American Studies, Social Movements, Gender Environmental Studies, Anthropology, Postcolonial Theory, Lesbian and Gay Studies, Construction of Race, Gender and National Identity, Social…

Edge: Now Accepting Accepting Submissions

Updated January 17th, 2022: They are now an imprint of Hades Publications. Their facebook page is still very active, but I couldn’t see any books listed that were published in the last year. This could be because their website is not ideally organized. For example, the book they have listed as most recently published was…

April 16, 2015

Acidic Fiction: Speculative Fiction Submissions Wanted

Acidic Fiction, founded and published by Steve x Davis, is an online magazine for contemporary speculative fiction that publishes every Monday and Friday. Stories generally take place roughly 100 years in the past or 10 years in the future. Davis writes that Acidic Fiction hopes “to draw on ideas from speculative fiction to explore everyday…

Cohesion Press: Now Accepting Book Submissions

UPDATED April 2019: They appear to only be publishing anthologies now, and they often have open calls for stories for anthologies, but they are no longer publishing novels. Cohesion Press is a small press publishes novels in the sub genres of military horror, military sci-fi, and creature-based thrillers. They have only been around for a…

April 13, 2015

Publication Announcements from Our Readers

Today we are trying out a new feature. It might be something that that we publish every month in the future. However, this is the first trial run. In this article we are going to feature two writers who found publishers for their manuscript through reviews in Authors Publish Magazine. In the future we hope…

Three Line Poetry: Accepting Submissions

Founded in 2011 by Glenn Lyvers, Three Line Poetry publishes just that—three line poems in all their forms. With a mission to “make the arts available to everyone, regardless of income,” they publish free online issues and accompanying paperback issues. Each submission period, a poet may submit up to three poems of three lines. Poets may…