June 8, 2016

McFarland: Now Seeking Non-Fiction Book Submissions

McFarland is an independent publisher based in North Carolina with a fair and clear compensation policy found here. They welcome un-agented authors and do not charge reading fees. One of my favorite aspects of McFarland is that they welcome edited collections of essays and have a helpful guide sheet for anyone interested in curating such…

June 3, 2016

The Quiet Circle: Now Accepting Submissions

The Quiet Circle is a brand new online journal of subtle, meditative writing. They publish fiction, poetry, and nonfiction that other literary journals might call “too quiet.” The Quiet Circle is a place where quiet writing can be heard, where brash, crass, and staunchly-realist voices are left at the door. They are especially interested in…

June 2, 2016

Speaking Volumes: Now Seeking Book Queries

UPDATED ON SEPTEMBER 27TH –  Some Submissions to Speaking Volumes are now being re-directed to two hybrid imprints where authors are required to pre-purchase 75 copies.  This is a real issue because the business’s are not separated. A traditional publisher should never re-route you to a hybrid imprint of that same press. We are recommending…

Six Essential Tips For Submitting Your Work

If you have never sent your creative writing out to a literary journal before, the experience can be intimidating. Many productive writers try to avoid submitting; however there is no real way around it if you want to get your work out into the world. I have been submitting for six years now. After submitting…

Sonic Boom: Now Seeking Poetry Submissions

Sonic Boom, a new online journal of poetry and flash fiction, publishes “writing that explodes.”  That is, they publish writing that makes an impact, shakes the reader’s senses, and breaks the boundaries of genre. Avant-garde, conceptual, postmodern—like a sonic boom–their publication is a phenomenon of the moment. They publish various contemporary forms of poetry—experimental, free…