September 28, 2017

The Sunlight Press: Now Seeking Submissions

The Sunlight Press is a new online literary journal that publishes poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction and photography, as well as reflections on craft composed by authors and artists. They seek to showcase experiences that foster epiphanies, stories in which people turn toward hope. They are searching for illustrations of our capacity to navigate the unknown,…

September 26, 2017

Seven Books Every Writer Should Read

There are hundreds of books on writing that are out there. In fact as a young writer I received many of these as birthday gifts; some were extremely helpful,  others were just frustrating, and many are still sitting on a shelf in my parents’ house, unread. However, whether you are a poet, a fiction writer,…

September 25, 2017

10 Major Book Publishers Always Open to Submissions

Some publishers open and close their doors to submissions on a routine basis. It can be hard to determine if they are open or shut to submissions, and when you should submit. The following ten publishers, however, are always open to submissions from writers without agents or previous publishing experience. They are all respected publishers…

September 21, 2017

Top Conference Follow-Up Tips

by Devon Ellington  Meeting agents and editors at conferences gives a stronger sense of whether your work is the right match. You also meet other authors, who provide mutual support on the publishing journey. Conferences are both exhilarating and exhausting. How often have you returned from a conference, dumped your bag in the corner and…

September 20, 2017

Dawn Publications: Now Accepting Book Manuscripts

UPDATED January 18th 2022: They seem to be completely absorbed by Source Books and do not seem to have their own identity outside of being part of Source Books larger children’s book catalog.  Dawn Publications is a boutique print press focused on publishing books connecting children and nature. They usually just publish six books a…

Reality Hands: Now Seeking Submissions

Removed at the request of the publisher.

September 18, 2017

21 Magazines Currently Seeking Creative Non-Fiction

Several prestigious literary magazines have opened their reading periods for submissions. This list has a mix of well-known and little-known or new magazines that welcome creative non-fiction: memoir, personal essays, lyrical essays and more. There are some themed calls: about community, mental health, candy, Canadian women and the vote and Indigenous writers, writing related to…

September 14, 2017

Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing: Accepting Submissions

UPDATED OCTOBER 2022 Founded in 1911 and located in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company is an independent publisher of religious books. They have a large range, including academic books and reference works in theology, biblical studies, and religious history to popular titles in spirituality, social and cultural criticism, as well as literature….

September 11, 2017

How to Start Getting Your Work Published in Literary Journals

‘The scariest moment is always just before you start. After that, things can only get better.’ Stephen King When I first started submitting my work to literary journals, each submission I made was a frustrating, time-consuming ordeal. I kept asking myself if each publication was the right fit for my poems. I kept wondering what…

September 10, 2017

Lou Lit Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Lou Lit Review is a print literary magazine of fiction and poetry produced by Louisburg College. They publish writing that explores place-based experience, from their local streets of Franklin County, North Carolina to locations around the globe. Starting in Spring 2018, Lou Lit Review will be published once a year in print. As submissions are…

September 9, 2017

How to Future-Proof Your Writing

By James Aitchison When books come back from the dead, who gets the money? Or doesn’t it matter? As a working author, I think it matters greatly. As history has often proved, you never know when something you’ve written will be rediscovered and dusted off long after your death. A case in point is Maigret,…

September 7, 2017

The Cerurove: Now Seeking Submissions

A new online literary journal helmed in India, The Cerurove seeks to become a revolution in literary form. They want to personify Albert Camus’ words: “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” They are searching for writing that…

The Basic Structure for a Story

By Matthew Meyer Ever since I picked up my first Goosebumps book back in third grade (I can’t remember what the name of it was exactly), I’ve wanted to do what R.L. Stine was doing. Not necessarily horror books, but the way he structured his writing intrigued me, making me think, “hey! This is neat!…

September 6, 2017

August House: Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated July 23rd, 2024 August House was established in 1978, originally it focused on publishing poetry but in the 80’s their focus switched to folklore and after that to storytelling. They no longer publish poetry, instead they focus on publishing children’s books, although many of these are influenced by folklore. They currently publish children’s folktales,…

September 4, 2017

15 Calls for Themed Submissions (Fiction, Essays, and Poetry)

Contributed By S. Kalekar The calls are for fiction, non-fiction and poetry on various themes. They are as varied as mythological beasts, hiding in plain sight, power, OCD and BDD, stories using imagery of Greek and Roman mythology, blood and squalor, working mothers, power, lost (and rediscovered) objects, athletes and social justice, challenges of parenting,…