June 29, 2020

45 Literary Journals that Pay

“It is a sad fact about our culture that a poet can earn much more money writing or talking about his art than he can by practicing it.” – W.H. Auden As someone who makes their living writing about writing and publishing, I can attest to how truthful Auden’s quote is. It is hard making…

June 25, 2020

Jessica Kingsley Publishers: Open to Proposals

Jessica Kingsley Publishers (JKP) is an established UK Press (with a US office) that was purchased by John Murray Press/Hachette UK in 2017. You can read more about this acquisition here. JKP focuses on publishing high quality books for professional and general readers on a variety of subjects. They are best known for their books…

The Racket: Now Seeking Submissions

Originally a San Francisco reading series featuring local authors, The Racket is now a weekly online journal with voices from around the globe. Since the launch of The Racket reading series in 2017, it’s become a popular place for flash fiction, flash nonfiction, and poetry. And no wonder—the downloadable journal is thoughtfully designed and carefully…

9 Ways to Break Through Writer’s Block

By Chikodi Adeola Olasode When you hit writer’s block, you’ll sit for hours in frustration, fiddling with your pen, and no ideas will come through. I know how helpless I feel when my creative well hits an inspiration brick. But there are always ways through and around writer’s block to generate new ideas for short…

June 22, 2020

31 Poetry Outlets for June 2020

These are 31 outlets for poetry and they are open for submissions now. Many also accept other genres, like fiction and nonfiction, and about half of the outlets listed here pay writers. A few are currently accepting themed submissions. Here they are, in no particular order. Some deadlines are approaching quickly.The PuritanThis Canadian literary magazine…

June 18, 2020

Nightfire: Temporarily Open to Manuscript Submissions

Nightfire, the horror imprint of Tor/Forge, is open to submissions of novellas (20,000-40,000 words) and novels (40,000-200,000 words) for a very brief period this June (2020). It opened on the 15th and will close on the 22nd. Tor/Forge is a science fiction and fantasy imprint of McMillan and you can learn more about them here….

Molecule: Now Seeking Submissions

Molecule is a new online lit mag for 50 word poetry and prose. In the smallest visible particle, there are 50 molecules to each dimension of its cube. In keeping with this, each edition of the biannual journal features work from around 50 contributors. You can download the journal for free to get a sense…

June 15, 2020

19 Approachable Literary Journals

If you are just starting to submit your work to literary journals, or perhaps you just want to avoid rejection, this list is for you. All of the literary journals in this list accept around half of what is submitted to them. So the odds of your work being accepted just went up. These are…

17 Literary Journals that Respond Within a Month

Note: We intended to publish a different article today, and erroneously sent an email announcing this article, which we published last month. I apologize for the error. Here’s the article we did mean to publish (and announce) today: 17 Approachable Literary Journals It is good to start out by submitting your work to literary journals…

June 11, 2020

Legend Press: Accepting Manuscript Queries

Updated February 2025 Legend Press is a UK based independent press open to direct and agented submissions. They publish contemporary fiction and crime fiction (largely psychological and political thrillers). They now also publish historical fiction. You can get a good feel for what they publish by visiting their website here. They’ve published some very popular…

Duende: Now Seeking Submissions

Duende is a well-established online journal produced by the undergraduates of Goddard College’s BFA in Writing program. They publish one themed edition each Spring and one open edition each Fall. Right now through June 30th, they’re seeking submissions for their next themed issue: “Ritual.” You can read more about this theme in their current submission…

Using Social Media to Promote Your Writing

By Heather Andrews Miller Social media can be extremely helpful in promoting your writing. Whether it is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or any other platform, potential clients can find you easily. Make your site attractive, utilizing bold and attractive headlines. Have your contact information readily available. Images attract people to your pages, and there are…

June 8, 2020

8 Exciting New Literary Journals

In the last 6 months the following journals opened their metaphorical doors for the first time. A number of magazines on this particular list have specific focuses and areas of interest. It is great to submit to new journals as the editors tend to have more energy and enthusiasm. They also tend to be more…

June 4, 2020

5 Paying Literary Markets to Submit to in June 2020

These markets pay for submissions of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry – they are a mix of genre and literary markets, and are open through June. One market is for writers of color only.  The Threepenny ReviewThis respected quarterly journal will close its reading period for the year at end-June. They accept fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and…

SmartPop Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Update July 27th 2022: You must now pitch to them through the main BenBella site. SmartPop Books is an imprint of BenBella Books, an established and respected non-fiction publisher. According to their website, SmartPop is “actively looking for smart, quirky, engaging non-fiction titles on television, books, and film.” They are open to anthologies, as well…