Written by Emily Harstone June 25th, 2020

Jessica Kingsley Publishers: Open to Proposals

Jessica Kingsley Publishers (JKP) is an established UK Press (with a US office) that was purchased by John Murray Press/Hachette UK in 2017. You can read more about this acquisition here. JKP focuses on publishing high quality books for professional and general readers on a variety of subjects.

They are best known for their books on the autism spectrum, social work, arts therapies, mental health, counseling, palliative care, practical theology and gender diversity. They also publish graphic novels that cover these subject areas, and books for children, on issues including depression and anger.

Their Singing Dragon Imprint focuses on Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Aromatherapy Fertility, Pregnancy & Birth Nutrition, as well as Yoga & Bodywork.

The authors who work for them generally seem happy with the experience. JKP helps with marketing and has good distribution. The majority of their authors are unagented. They much prefer submissions be made via their submittable portal, although you can reach out to them directly if submittable does not work for you.

To learn more about what kind of content they are seeking, visit their website here. To learn more of the details of their submission process, go here.

Emily Harstone is the author of many popular books, including The Authors Publish Guide to Manuscript SubmissionsThe 2019 Guide to Manuscript PublishersSubmit, Publish, Repeat, and The Authors Publish Guide to Children’s and Young Adult Publishing.

She occasionally teaches a course on manuscript publishing, as well as a course on publishing in literary journals.


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