May 31, 2021

28 Sci-fi and Fantasy Fiction Markets That Pay

By Theresa van Baalen Sci-fi and fantasy appeals to a very specific loyal readership. So it is no wonder that many websites, blogs, e-zines and magazines dedicate themselves to the publication and promotion of this genre. Here are 28 markets that might be interested in your sci-fi or fantasy tale (or poetry), and are willing…

May 27, 2021

Thames & Hudson: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Thames & Hudson was founded in 1949 by Walter and Eva Neurath. Their goal was to create a ‘museum without walls’ and it is named after the rivers flowing through London and New York. They have over 2,000 titles in print. They publish high-quality books in the following categories: the arts (fine, applied, decorative, performing),…

MONO.: Accepting Submissions

MONO. accepts unpublished flash fiction, poetry, short stories up to 2,000 words, and amateur monochrome photography. This is how they describe themselves: “MONO. is a literary journal inviting dark humour, satire and brutally honest reflections on ordinary life that sit on the borderline of the melancholic and amusing. Forget the rules.” They are a UK-based…

Copyright Tips and Traps … Don’t Trust Your Intuition!

Susan Upton Douglass        There is a lot of misinformation about copyrights and the protections afforded by copyright law and related areas of law. Indeed, much of the law is counter-intuitive, or simply different from the common wisdom and folklore passed around in business circles. So, to set the record straight, here are some answers…

May 24, 2021

23 Mystery Publishers that Accept Direct Submissions (No Agent Required)

  “The crime novel is the great moral literature of our time.” JEAN-PATRICK MANCHETTE “Nobody reads a mystery to get to the middle. They read it to get to the end. If it’s a letdown, they won’t buy anymore. The first page sells that book. The last page sells your next book.” MICKEY SPILLANE Mystery…

May 20, 2021

Laurence King: Now Accepting Proposals

Founded in 1991 in London, Laurence King focuses on publishing books and gifts on the creative arts. They have international distribution and recognition. They are open to proposals for books or gift products for adults, students and children. They focus particularly on the following areas: art and design, architecture, fashion and beauty, film, photography, practical art…

Cicada: Now Seeking Submissions

Based in Hong Kong, Cicada is a new international literary journal publishing writing that is “generative, nuanced, experimental, and inclusive.” They publish poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and international writing in translation. They’re especially interested in writing that offers a transnational perspective or comments on the global narrative. They want to read writing by everyone, from everywhere,…

To Self-Publish or to Not Self-Publish, That Is the Question

By Holly Garcia When I first started writing my poetry collection, it didn’t occur to me to publish it traditionally. From the moment I decided I was going put it out there, I wanted to do it myself. I’d seen countless people saying their experience with self-publishing was a breeze.  I’m a do-it-yourself baker, party…

May 17, 2021

20 Poetry Markets Open to Submissions this May 2021

These magazines publish poetry, and most also publish other genres, like fiction and nonfiction. They’re open for submissions now, and some of them pay writers. The Account This literary magazine publishes poetry (3-5 poems), fiction, and creative nonfiction. All work has to have an account— “We are most interested in how you are tracking the…

May 13, 2021

Levine Querido: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

UPDATED Nov 2022: They now have a submittable cap. And so they close certain categories temporarily when they’ve reached maximum submissions, but re-open them the next month. Arthur A. Levine Books was an imprint of Scholastic Inc. that was founded in 1996 and as of 2019 they parted ways with Scholastic and since 2019 they have…

The Fieldstone Review: Now Seeking Submissions

The Fieldstone Review is an established online literary journal produced by the graduate students at the University of Saskatchewan. They publish poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and literary reviews written by authors from around the world. They showcase a wide variety of forms and styles, focusing on literary and experimental writing. You can read past issues…

U.S. Copyright Basics for Authors

By Susan Upton Douglass Copyright law in the U.S. is governed by federal statute; there is no “common law” copyright. Copyright protects original (i.e., not copied from someone else) authorship in text, including compilations of text (selecting and arranging pre-existing text if you have permission to use it), photographs, illustrations and other creative expression. It…

May 10, 2021

49 Children’s Book Publishers that Accept Direct Submissions — No Agent Required

All of the publishers on this list publish children’s books. Some just publish picture books, some publish only middle-grade fiction, and some publish a wide variety of genres aimed at adults as well. Some are looking for educational work, others are open to anything. A number of these publishers are large and established. Others are…

May 6, 2021

Future House Publishing: Accepting Submissions

Updated January 2023: No longer updating website, lots of links broken. Would steer clear. Future House focuses on publishing “adult science fiction and fantasy, as well as middle grade adventure books that embrace community, liberty, and family”. All of the work is clean, free of excessive violence. You can get a feel for what they…

Periwinkle Literary Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Periwinkle Literary Magazine publishes writing that doesn’t fit in—writing that’s too raw, too visceral, or too sad for other journals. “We want your sad girl poems, grotesque imagery, and abstract daydreams,” says the editor. Periwinkle aims to help all authors find a place in the literary world. Periwinkle is published online and as a print-on-demand journal….