Written by Emily Harstone April 17th, 2015

Duke University Press: Open To Submissions

Duke University Press is a respected academic press. Like most academic presses, they publish well researched books on a wide variety of subjects.

The list of subjects they publish book on include:

Latin American Studies, Social Movements, Gender Environmental Studies, Anthropology, Postcolonial Theory, Lesbian and Gay Studies, Construction of Race, Gender and National Identity, Social Studies of Science, New Media, Literary Criticism, Film and Television, Popular Music, Visual Studies Political Theory, Sociology and Social Theory, Geography, Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, American Studies, Literary Theory and Criticism, Asian American Studies, Science and Technology Studies, Food Studies, Religion, Women’s Studies, World History, and Humanities.

Each editor has different specialized area of study. There is some overlap between editors, for example two of the four editors focus on anthropology. When you submit, you submit to a specific editor via post.

They try to respond to all submissions within two months. If you have not heard from them after three months, please query.

All submissions must be submissions of book proposals, not manuscript proposals. Your manuscript need not be completed before submitting your proposal. Your proposal should include a cover letter that describes the project and notes the anticipated length of the manuscript as well as anticipated date of completion.

Your proposal should also include a prospectus with detailed chapter outlines, a CV, and up to two sample chapters.

Keep in mind that this is a serious academic press and you should be an expert in the field you are planning to write about.

To learn more about their submission process, visit their website here. To get a better feeling for the press as a whole, visit their main page here.


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