May 30, 2018

Cobblestone Press: Now Accepting Submissions

UPDATED: No longer publishing new work. Consider defunct. Do not submit. A small  print on demand and romance ePublisher. They publish sensual & erotic romance stories and short story erotica.  They have different guidelines and expectations for each of these categories. They release five to eight titles a month in a variety of eFormats. They…

Barrelhouse: Now Accepting Submissions from Unpublished Writers

Barrelhouse is a respected and prestigious literary journal that accepts very few of the submissions it receives. They are primarily a biannual print publication, but they also have an online edition that publishes different work as well.  They publish poetry, short fiction, non-fiction, and flash fiction. They like to publish well crafted writing with a…

When To Query: A Guide to Following Up Submissions

Language can be confusing sometimes, particularly English. A query letter or a cover letter is usually the first thing you send a publisher, introducing yourself. I have written about query letters here. However if you haven’t heard back from a publisher after a particular length of time you are often encouraged to email them a…

May 23, 2018

Bright Sky Press: Accepting Submissions

UPDATED MAY 30TH, 2018 – We are advising authors to proceed with caution regarding this press. We have received reports from authors and illustrators with their traditional publishing  arm that have not received payment for extended period of time, and authors who have been offered second print runs with strings attached. Bright Sky Press is…

The Apple Valley Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Launched in 2006, The Apple Valley Review is a well-established and selective journal of poetry, fiction, and essays. Published twice a year online, in the spring and fall, the journal features finely crafted writing with both mainstream and literary appeal. They prefer work that is accessible and at the same time skillfully honed. To get…

How to Find Literary Journals

At Authors Publish, we review a literary journal every week and regularly release new themed calls for submissions and linked literary journal lists. However, if you submit a lot (and you should), you need to find more literary journals on a regular basis. The following sites are great places to find literary journals. This list…

May 21, 2018

25 Speculative Fiction Markets that Pay Writers

In celebration of Short Story Month, here is a list of websites, magazines and journals that publish short speculative fiction. They publish a whole range, including hard to soft and philosophical science fiction, slipstream, space opera, weird fiction, pulp SF, vampire and werewolf stories, fantasy of various shades, and horror. While some of these markets…

May 17, 2018

Ruminate: Now Seeking Submissions

Ruminate is a quarterly print journal of spiritually-oriented writing, edited by practitioners and seekers from a wide variety of faiths. Their broad conception of spiritual writing includes work that isn’t overtly religious. They believe that good writing is inherently spiritual because it awakens our sense of beauty and creativity and points to a reality larger…

Regal Crest Enterprises: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated March 2021 Regal Crest Enterprises historically specialized in publishing books of interest to lesbian readers but now their focus has expanded to include gay readers. As of January 1st ,2021 they have rebranded as Flashpoint Publications and they are now focused on publishing LGBTQ+ work.  They mostly publish popular fiction, but they have also…

Surviving Twitter: A Writer’s Guide

By Nadia Thompson To even the most tech-savvy of writers, the machinations of Twitter can seem like a veritable minefield, but the twitterverse can be a magical place for aspiring authors in particular. I began to realize just how much of the Twitter Kool-Aid the publishing world had drunk when I started researching agents I…

May 14, 2018

16 Literary Journals that Read Submissions “Blind”

A “blind” submission is one that is submitted to the literary journal in a way that the readers and editors can read all the submissions without knowing the name or anything else about the author who submitted to the journal. The idea is that it takes any bias someone might have against or for a…

May 10, 2018

Sinful Press: Now Accepting Romance Submissions

Sinful Press focuses on publishing erotica. They primarily publish eBooks but most are also offered in paperback format (through print on demand publishing). Sinful Press is based in the UK. They are a relatively new publisher and so far their Amazon sales have not been stellar, but what they have published has largely been well…

The Other Stories Podcast: Now Seeking Fiction Submissions

The Other Stories is a weekly literary podcast. Each episode features one author and begins with an interview about the author’s writing—their influences, motivations, processes, and goals. Then, the author reads a short story and the interviewer asks the author questions about the story. Each episode is set to original music, scored uniquely for the…

May 7, 2018

16 Themed Submission Calls for May 2018

These are calls for writers of fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Some of the themes include time, magic, Elder Gods and ancient terrors, margins, holiday romance, music and smashing medical paternalism. Most of these pay writers, from token to pro rates. Sword & Sorceress 33 They want sword and sorcery stories with a strong female protagonist…

May 3, 2018

Stairway Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Stairway Press publishes and markets literary books in a variety of genres including science, science fiction, short stories, political essays, literary thrillers and adventure books. They are not interested in young adult or children books. Their main focus is quality writing. Although a number of the books I looked at I would not describe as…