August 31, 2017

Douglas & McIntyre: Now Accepting Book Manuscript Submissions

Douglas & McIntyre is one of Canada’s pre-eminent independent publishers, with books that have won many national and international awards, including the Scotiabank Giller Prize and the Governor General’s Literary Award. They filed for bankruptcy a number of years ago. Harbour Publishing purchased Douglas & McIntyre at that point. They specialize in publishing respected nonfiction and…

3 Steps to Take After Sending Your Book Query to Agents Or Publishers

Congratulations, you’ve reached that ever-so-exciting spot in the writing process where you have a draft that has been polished enough to seek out an agent or a publisher and you’re now in the querying trenches. From the anxious moment you hit send on your first query letter to the first form rejection letter, querying time…

August 28, 2017

19 Science Fiction Manuscript Publishers that Accept Submissions (No Agent Required)

Last Updated April 2019 Most of these publishers are interested in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Some publish just one of these genres.  Others publish many genres and types of books, science fiction and fantasy just being one genre among many. Some are small companies, others are imprints of major publishing houses. They are not listed…

August 24, 2017

eXtasy Books: Accepting Submissions

Updated February 2025: I had issues with getting their site to load, outside of the submission page. eXtasy is an eBook publisher that pays 40% royalties to all of their authors. They now publish Romance and Erotica. They have an easy to use, well organized website that is clearly reader orientated. I can only describe…

The Paper Street Journal: Now Seeking Submissions

The Paper Street Journal is an online literary magazine featuring a curated selection of poetry, short fiction, creative prose, essays, reviews, notes, photo essays, art, photography, and music. Founded in 2014 by three graduates of McMaster University, The Paper Street Journal has since become a publication of international acclaim. They publish a vast array of…

August 23, 2017

10 Calls for Poetry Submissions

S. Kalekar This is a list of ten places poets and translators can submit to. There are a couple of themed submission calls, and a poetry competition for young poets in the UK. Some magazines pay for work. While all of these calls are for poetry, all have widely different tones and styles. Art UK:…

August 21, 2017

35 Writers’ “Rules for Writing”

Most writers have their own special “rules for writing,” even if they don’t talk about them. I always have coffee before I write. I find other writers’ rules fascinating, even when I don’t agree with them. A lot can be learned by reading about other authors’ approaches to writing. The New York Times and The…

August 17, 2017

Inkspell Publishing: Accepting Now Accepting Submissions

Inskspell Publishing started out as an eBook and print on demand Romance publisher in 2011. They now seem to focus on publishing eBooks primarily. Their eBooks have excellent covers, much better than most small and some big romance publishers. A number of their books have good reviews on Amazon, although most have not sold that…

Disclaimer Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions of Short Stories, Poetry, Commentary, Reviews, Etc.

Disclaimer Magazine is a London-based online journal of writing, art, politics, economics, and “other stuff.” They want to challenge long-cherished viewpoints and norms, to give readers a new angle of vision, and to add something meaningful to the global conversation. They showcase fresh young voices as well as seasoned standbys. As a publication, they’re socially…

How to Write a Successful Query Letter

You have completed your first novel. You have edited it a number of times. Perhaps you have paid an editor to help you revise it.  You have already put a considerable amount of work into it, but it is not a book yet, it’s still a manuscript, not to be found in bookstores, but on…

A New Way to Find Fee Free Markets

At Authors Publish we focus on giving more in depth reviews of literary journals, all fee free, of course. Although, if you submit frequently our listings will not be enough publications for you to submit to. Some authors send submissions to as many as 40 publications at once. Many of the literary journal listing services,…

August 10, 2017

CALAMITY: Now Seeking Poetry Submissions

A new online journal of poetry of art, CALAMITY seeks to broadcast all things strange, novel, urgent, and disastrous. They want readers to be shaken and confused, disquieted and embarrassed. They like ghosts, middle fingers, and accidents. They like to fall apart. They want to laugh and cry, maybe at the same time. The best…

Barron’s Educational Services: Now Accepting Book Manuscript Submissions

Updated January 2019 – They do not seem to be open to direct submissions any longer. They also don’t really have a website. They have a stub of one that links to Amazon. Most people who have studied for a test like the SAT or the GRE own a book published by Barron’s, if only…

August 7, 2017

17 Themed Calls for Submissions (Short Stories, Poetry, Essays)

There is a variety of topics and genres for writers to submit in – and the themes include mental illness, villains, both real and imaginary, sea terrors, gender and artificial intelligence, facets of Chinese cities, stories set in cellars and around mysterious stairs in the woods, writing by older women, about queer families and about…

August 3, 2017

Dream Pop Journal: Now Seeking Submissions

A brand new online quarterly of experimental writing, Dream Pop Journal, is now seeking submissions for their first issue. Their style is akin to that of songwriters such as Liz Fraser and the Cocteau Twins, and the composer Wim Mertens. They like non-narrative writing, and they admire artists who transcend formal expectations to create languages…