Written by Emily Harstone December 11th, 2023

17 Magazines that Publish Writing for Children and Teens

Most children’s and young adult book authors struggle with creating a history of previous publications – a useful task when trying to find an agent or publisher for their work. The following list of publishers are all looking for work aimed at teens and children.

So, not only do you create a history of publication, you do so in the area you specialize in. Although it can also be to get work published outside of that area also.

The list is in no particular order. Most, but not all, of these publications are open for submission at this time.

We no longer list any of the Cricket publications because of their long standing payment problems, which you can read more about here. Between the last update and this one, a lot of kids focused publications have closed their doors or closed to submissions.

Because of the focused nature of this list, more journals are closed to submissions at the time of update than all of our broader lists

BALLOONS Literary Journal
An online journal that publishes poetry, fiction and art that is primarily aimed at young readers aged around 10-16. Learn more here. At the time of this update they are temporarily closed to submissions.

AQUiLA is a UK-based magazine that focuses on publishing work aimed at 8-13 year olds, and they are seeking features and short stories. They are a paying market, but they largely work with the same contributors, consistently. Please make sure your work is a good fit for them before submitting. Read their full submission guidelines here or visit their main website here.

Little Thoughts Press
They publish stories, poetry, and artwork for young readers ages ten and under. All submitted material should be aimed at this audience. They issue new themed calls on a regular basis, but are not currently open to submissions. You can learn more here.

Scout Life
The magazine published by the Boy Scouts of America is only interested in unsolicited nonfiction submissions but they do pay very well (generally $1/word). The intended readers are boys 6-17. Their guidelines are detailed and you can download them here.

Highlights’ publications
Highlights’ publications include Highlights Magazine, Hello, and High Five. All publications are interested in stories, poems, crafts, and recipes, they just have different audiences in mind, in terms of age. The magazines audience range starts at 1 and goes to 12. See their guidelines here. They are not currently open to submissions.

After Dinner Conversation
This wonderful electronic publication focuses largely on work for adults but they do include work aimed at involving children in philosophical discussions. This is an example of the sort of children’s story they are interested in. To learn more, go here, and make sure to read their guidelines closely. They are a paying market.

Fun For Kidz
They publish work based on themes. Their themes are listed here, along with the rest of their submission guidelines.

Voyage YA Uncharted
This literary journal only publishes work for young adults, they have been around for a while but have only recently been re-branded as Voyage YA Uncharted. They regularly run contests, with fees attached, but are also always open for fee-free submissions. Learn more here.

A literary journal that publishes creative nonfiction, fiction, and poetry aimed at children and teens. They publish writing by adults as well as children. Learn more here. They are currently closed to submissions.

The School Magazine 
Australia’s The School Magazine is a self-funded business unit within the NSW Department of Education; you can read more about them here. They publish short stories, articles, plays, poems and activities that have literary and academic merit primarily aimed at children between 8 and 12. They publish four magazines, Countdown, Blast Off, Orbit and Touchdown, all of which are open to submissions. They have very specific guidelines you can read here. They are a paying market.

Cast of Wonders
This online magazine and podcast focuses on publishing speculative fiction aimed at young adults. They are a paying market. They are closed to submissions at this time but you can see their schedule for when they are open for submissions here. You can read their submission guidelines here.

Short Édition
They publish children’s stories, along with a wide variety of other short fiction. You can learn more about their guidelines here. You can see some of the work they’ve previously published here.

Spaceports & Spidersilk
Is a print magazine of speculative work for younger readers which they describe as “8-9 on up through 89”. You can see their submission guidelines here. You can see their latest issue here.

Good River Review
This respected newer online journal publishes work for children and young adults alongside creative work intended for a broader audience. They do ask that you submit it through a separate category for submitting it on Submittable. You can learn more here.

Emily Harstone is the author of many popular books, including The Authors Publish Guide to Manuscript SubmissionsSubmit, Publish, Repeat, and The 2023 Guide to Manuscript Publishers. She regularly teaches three acclaimed courses on writing and publishing at The Writer’s Workshop at Authors Publish. You can follow her on Facebook here.



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