Issue One Hundred Nine

50-Word Short Stories: Now Accepting Submissions

An approachable market for writers at any stage, 50-Word Stories publishes microfiction stories of exactly 50 words. With so few words to play with, writers are challenged to make intentional choices so their stories can still have traditional beginnings, middles, and ends, in addition to plots, character development, and pace. In providing guidance for contributors,…

Memoirabilia: Now Accepting Submissions

Memoirabilia is a new journal for writers who are interested in or have already written their memoirs. Both print and an e-version of the magazine are available for purchase from its website. Each issue contains tips and suggestions on how to get started and stay motivated. These short informative articles, written by established memoir writers,…

10 Respected Publishers of Science Fiction Short Stories

The following 10 magazines and journals focus on publishing science fiction. Some also are interested in publishing horror, fantasy, and speculative fiction, as well as poetry, but the main focus remains on Science Fiction. All of these journals are highly respected, many have been around for a long time. All of the following journals pay…

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