Issue One Hundred Forty Five

Is a Duotrope Subscription Worth It?

Duotrope is a publisher listing service. They are primarily a catalog of literary journals although they include small presses as well. This year Duotrope is branching out to include more mainstream magazines and publications that are open to journalistic submissions. At the time I am writing this their listing includes 5425 markets that accept fiction,…

200 CCs: Now Accepting Submissions

A new online publication, 200 CCs publishes one 200-word story each week. Though short, the stories in 200 CCs aren’t vignettes. Rather, they’re complete, condensed narratives. Like concentrated juice, the micro-stories in 200 CCs are punchy and impactful. They’re easy to read but hard to forget; they’re small stories that make a big entrance and…

Double Dragon: Book Submission Guidelines

Double Dragon Publishing is a publisher currently focused on publishing Science Fiction, Horror, Thriller/Suspense and Dark Fantasy.  This includes Hard (Science) SF, Space Fiction, Future Fiction, Lost Civilizations, Utopias, Dystopias, Disaster Novels, Alternate Histories, Time Travel, Parallel Worlds, etc.  They publish individual novels as well as series. Digital publishers that have been around for 15…

Ten Literary Journals That Respond Within A Month

Updated February 16th, 2016 When I had first started submitting to literary journals, I found that by submitting to a number of journals that had quick response times I was able to remain motivated to continue submitting my work for publication. After all, if you submit to a journal and don’t hear anything for up…

  • Manuscript Publishers By Category

  • Literary Journals By Category