Issue Nineteen

Inspirational Quote of the Week

Apex Magazine: A Magazine of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror

Apex is an online journal that publishes short stories, and poetry in the science fiction, fantasy and horror genres. They also publish stories that combine the aforementioned genres. However they are most interested in work in these genres that also has literary merit. Apex may focus on genre work but it is a highly respected…

Writing Prompt: Invasion

You wake up in bed. You hear the sound of a gun being loaded, or a vase being broken, or the door being kicked in. You start writing from the point of being woken up by a strange and dangerous sound. What happens next is up to you. You could be writing from your own…

Swarm: A Beautiful Literary Journal

Swarm is an online journal that publishes only four pieces each issue. They publish two short stories and two poems. Their website is beautiful and clutter free. With so few other options to distract them, readers gravitate towards the work. Each work is published along with a thorough bio and a picture of the author….

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