Issue One Hundred Seventy One

Three Themed Calls for Submissions

These three different calls for submission are all very different. The first one is my personal favorite and it is a paying market. The First Line: “In the six years I spent tracking David Addley, it never occurred to me that he didn’t exist.” The First Line is a literary journal that publishes short stories…

Four Prestigious Fee Free contests

Written By S. Kalekar Here are four prestigious free-to-enter writing competitions. They cover literary fiction, arts writing, cultural diversity, and science fiction/fantasy. Note that three of the contests require already published books and one is only interested in unpublished work. PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction: This is one of America’s foremost awards for literary fiction, and…

The Totally Entwined Group: Now Seeking Book Manuscripts

The Totally Entwined Group is an eBook and print publisher that was successful in its own right, before being purchased by the Bonnier Publishing group. There have been some shifts in focus since Bonnier purchased it in 2015 but the group still has a good reputation and its focus is still on its two flagship…

Clarkesworld Magazine: Accepting Science Fiction and Fantasy

Clarkesworld Magazine is a Hugo and World Fantasy Award-winning science fiction and fantasy magazine that publishes short stories, interviews, articles and audio fiction on a monthly basis. Electronic issues are available to read online or through subscription on their website.  All original fiction is also published in paperback. They are currently accepting art, nonfiction, and…

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