Issue Five

Writing Prompt: Other Words

Pick a book from your shelf that you haven’t read recently. This book should be one that you enjoy. It can be a book of poetry, or prose, even a play or non fiction. It should not be a dictionary or an encyclopedia. Start a 10 minute timer, and then open to a random page….

Switchback: Now Open for Submissions

Switchback is a journal published by the MFA (Master of Fine Arts) program at the University of San Fransisco that has just re-opened to submissions. They accept short works of fiction, non fiction as well as poetry.  They are an online journal that also has an e-book edition. Switchback is well respected, and has a…

Kestrel: Now Open For Submissions

Kestrel is an established and respected journal with two print issues a year. They just re-opened to fiction, poetry and non fiction submissions. They are published by Fairmont State University, yet they publish work from all over the world, although they claim to be “specially happy to publish work by West Virginian and Appalachian writers”….

Publishing Guide: What to Consider Before Self-Publishing an Ebook

Many authors self publish these days, that way they can avoid the hassle of dealing with editors, and slow moving corporations. Even some established  authors have switched to self publishing because they have more control over their book and even their profits. However self publishing is far from straight forward. This article is not intended…

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