Issue Three Hundred Fifty Six

Open Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

UPDATED May 29th, 2024: We have continued to hear feedback that they are offering hybrid contracts. but have one tier of publications that is traditional. I haven’t heard from anyone in the traditional tier, and this is a highly unusual approach. To be a traditional press in good standing one cannot direct from traditional publishing…

Yellow Arrow Journal: Now Seeking Submissions

Yellow Arrow is a nontraditional publisher producing a hand-bound journal of poetry, creative nonfiction, and book reviews written by authors who identify as women. They see creativity as an act of service and a path toward communal empathy. With that in mind, they aim to spotlight and inspire underrepresented authors. They encourage authors who identify…

The Importance of Trope Awareness

Over the last decade, the word trope has come to be used to describe commonly recurring motifs, clichés, and rhetorical devices in a wide range of creative works. Once you become aware of tropes, and how they’re used (and misused), they can become a useful tool in your writer’s toolkit. Tropes: in characters and stories…

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