Issue Fifty Six

Quote of the Week

Writing Prompt: A Thousand Years

In Schild’s Ladder, a science fiction novel by Greg Egan, most of the characters live far longer than normal human lifespans. They are immortal, more or less. Some are incorporeal and others have bodies but not necessarily the same ones they were born with. Most of the characters in the book are scientists of some…

The Six Word Short Story Contest

Congratulations to the winners of this week’s writing contest! They are listed below. But first, a bit about our contest series. Every week we have a contest on our Facebook Page. The contests change from week to week, but the winners are always published in the magazine. The contest winner and the runners up are…

Isthmus: Now Accepting Submissions

Isthmus is an print literary magazine based in Seattle, Washington, publishing poetry, fiction, and non-fiction.They publish a wide range of forms and aesthetics, seeking to allow each author’s authentic voice to resound.They are edited by the former managing editor of Third Coast. Isthmus publishes ­­­­two annual editions, each with work from about 20 writers. They…

10 Literary Journals that Pay Their Writers

Last Updated August 20th, 2017 “It is a sad fact about our culture that a poet can earn much more money writing or talking about his art than he can by practicing it.” W.H. Auden As someone who makes their living writing about writing and publishing, I can attest to how truthful Auden’s quote is….

Finishing Line Press: Accepting Manuscripts

Updated 2024: Mark Danowsky wrote a great Substack on the state of FLP now. I’d very much encourage anyone to read it here. Finishing Line Press is a publisher of poetry chapbooks (a chapbook is a small book, generally of poetry, generally containing between 15-30 pages of writing). Finishing Line Press runs a number of…

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