Self Publishing

10 Things You Should Never Do When Self-Publishing Your Novel

Written By Savanna Williams If you’ve never self-published a book before, it’s easy to fall prey to a lot of faulty advice. Many people are eager to tell you “Just write, upload, and watch the money flow in!” If only it was that easy. Self-publishing is just as difficult as traditional publishing, just in its…

8 Essential Articles for Self Published Authors

This collection of articles contains comprehensive, thoughtful advice for self published authors by self published authors. The articles in this collection focus on giving concrete advice and encouragement for self published authors. Eleven Ways to Build an Audience for Your Writing Eleven concrete steps to take to develop an audience for your writing, not just…

7 Articles You Should Read Before Self Publishing

Self Publishing has been around since the dawn of writing. In the last century it has been mostly been frowned on. It was a field dominated by vanity presses that charged their authors a lot in order to be published. It was considered something that authors should do as a last resort. It was not…

The Sea of Tranquility: A Self Publishing Success Story

The Sea of Tranquility was initially self published by Katja Millay in 2012. Within only three weeks of being self published the novel was picked up by Atria Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. It went on to win the American Library Association’s Alex Award & A School Library Journal Best Book of the…

Smashwords: A Must for Your Author’s Toolbox

Every writer should have a toolbox – a go-to place that lists or houses all the fantastic contacts and resources that you can’t live without. Whether you’re self or traditionally published (or just building an author platform) one essential item to have in your toolbox should be Smashwords – the eBook distributor. About 50% of…

Wattpad: A Source of Support for Young Writers

I joined Wattpad two years ago. When my first novel was recently released, I was looking for more ways to promote it and get my name out there. I knew nothing about Wattpad until I read an article by a young adult author who credited this site with an increase in her following. It made…

How To Fail Miserably With Self-Publishing

I’ve seen indie authors who’ve done nearly everything right except for one thing. These authors have poured their hearts and souls into their book projects. Their prose sings. They have an amazing book cover and interior design. They have good editing. Yet too many of these books will never reach their sales potential. In fact,…

Still Alice: A Self Publishing Success Story

Lisa Genova started selling her self-published book out of her car. Now her book has been made into a major motion picture. This is the story of how she went from a self published author to a New York Times bestseller with a major publisher and a well established career. Her book, Still Alice, was…

4 Self-Publishing Problems (And Their Solutions)

I’ve been self-publishing for almost two years now, and it occurred to me recently that the same four problems are constantly rearing their ugly heads. It sometimes seems like there is no escaping them. I have listed them below and I think many aspiring authors would agree that these four issues are not going to…

The Hidden Dangers of Self Publishing

Self publishing has a lot of buzz these days. Some authors are finding success, many are not, but self publishing is becoming respectable in a way most writers could not imagine even five years ago. However, not all forms of self publishing are created equal. Many new authors approach self publishing with the notion that…

5 Reasons To Celebrate Being An Indie Author

Like a lot of indie authors out there, my publishing journey began with submissions and rejections. Not so long ago, this constant series of rebuttals would have been the end of the road for many books, but these days, thanks to self-publishing, it needn’t be. Becoming an indie author can provide hope to writers who…

An Argument For Traditional Publishing

Writers are often very frustrated with traditional publishing. It can be hard to find a publisher. Publishers don’t always give writers the freedom they want. Plus in the age of near instant self publishing, it is easy to wonder why traditional publishers are even necessary. However, there is still a large contingent of authors who…

The Misery and the Joy of Self Publishing

Since I published my first novel The Mess of Me in 2013 I have been on what feels like a roller-coaster of a journey. I’ve had the initial high of a life-long dream coming true and the inevitable crushing low of realizing that writing and releasing a book does not automatically guarantee you any sales….

The Indie Publishing Revolution

  We’re in the midst of the largest revolution in the publishing industry since the invention of the printing press. Recent changes to the publishing industry have given immense power to a market segment that until now largely has been ignored, indie authors. For those who don’t know, the term Indie is short for “independence”…

A Proper Indie Book Launch

Just close your eyes for a moment and imagine that you’ve finally done it. The manuscript that you labored on for so long is perfectly polished, it has been written, edited, re-written, laid out in its final format, and the eye-catching cover is designed.  Your head is swimming with a myriad of emotions, anticipation, fear,…

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