Issue Four Hundred Sixty Two

5 Paying Literary Magazines to Submit to in April 2022

These magazines pay for fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and other genres, and include are both literary and genre markets. Please note, not all of them are open throughout the month. Narrative Magazine They publish fiction, nonfiction, poetry, plays, audio poetry and prose, and video (short films/documentaries). They usually charge for submissions but during the first two…

Liminal Space Magazine: Accepting Submissions

Liminal Space Magazine is a new journal interested in publishing flash fiction, short stories, novel excerpts, poems, art, music, and anything else that suits their fancy. They have published one issue in the past, which you can read for free here. Current submissions will be considered for their Fall 2022 issue. The founding editors, Alex…

Compelling Fiction: How Does a  Writer Find the Magic Potion?

By JoAnneh Nagler For this article, I thought I’d give myself the very assignment we’re going to talk about: writing a piece of fiction that draws the reader in, right off the top, in a compelling way. When I was writing my new book of short stories, Stay with Me, Wisconsin, that challenge came up…

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