Issue Five Hundred Sixty Four

Judy Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Judy Magazine is a new online publisher of fiction, nonfiction, prose poetry, and visual art. The journal is named after the editor’s grandmother, Judy, and draws its editorial mission from her “quiet and humble grit”: “We will aim to be smart, but never condescending, good, but never elitist, dogged, but never mean, and cool without…

The Evil Cookie Publishing: Accepting Submissions

The Evil Cookie is a micropress focused on publishing “gore-infested, fast-paced novels/novellas and anthologies.” It is run by K. Trap Jones, an extreme horror author. The publisher’s tagline is “#NoneGorier”. This is a niche press focusing on a niche audience, and so it should go without saying that you should not submit any work to…

The Other Side of the Desk: Andrew J. Wilt

Most writers don’t have a clear idea of what it’s like to work in publishing. The many professionals who make publishing possible often work very hard, without much credit. Our goal with this article, and all of the articles in this series, is to give writers a more realistic idea of what it is actually…

How My Novel Was Resurrected From the Dead

By Thomas Smith My novel, Something Stirs, was one of the first haunted house novels written for the Christian market. Maybe even the first. And as such, the publisher that acquired it had big plans for the launch and subsequent marketing of the novel. In fact, previously a non-fiction publisher, mine was to be the…

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