We might occasionally mention ways to make money. Please note that these are general guidelines, and they might not apply to you. Everyone has a different experience, and we can’t guarantee anything. In fact, you shouldn’t expect to make any money as an author. It is pretty rare. Plus, the lawyers will be happy we’re warning you. Pesky, those lawyers.
We Send You Publishers Seeking Submissions.
Sign up for our free e-magazine and we will send you reviews of publishers seeking short stories, poetry, essays, and books.
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We Send You Publishers Seeking Submissions.
Sign up for our free e-magazine and we will send you reviews of publishers seeking short stories, poetry, essays, and books.
Subscribe now and we'll send you a free copy of our book Submit, Publish, Repeat
Free Talk: Book Publicity for Authors with Caro Perny
Download the Slides. Caro Perny is a lifelong booklover, born and raised in New York City. She is currently Associate Director of Publicity at Tor Books. Over the course of her career, she’s worked with an amazing variety of bestselling, award-winning, and critically acclaimed authors such as Carissa Broadbent, Tochi Onyebuchi, James Rollins, Alyssa Cole,…
Available to watch right now, completely free.
Free Talk: Writing the Essential Scenes of Act II
Download the Slides Ley Taylor Johnson is a writing consultant, author, and regular contributor to Authors Publish Magazine. Ley is also a member of the Northwest Editors Guild and the Editorial Freelancers Association. For those interested in working with Lee, I encourage you to visit their website.
Available to watch right now, completely free.
Five Paying Literary Magazines to Submit to in December 2024
Literary magazines paying for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.
Beaver Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions
An online journal accepting poetry, flash fiction, nonfiction, hybrid writing, and art.
24 Manuscript Publishers Always Open To Submission
Some publishers open and close their doors to submissions on a routine basis. It can be hard to determine if they are open or shut to submissions, and when you should submit. The following publishers, however, are always open to submissions from writers without agents or previous publishing experience. All of these publishers meet our…