Download: The Authors Publish Compendium of Writing Prompts

About The Book: Writing prompts are exercises designed to help a person start writing. They are often used in classrooms to generate new work, but many creative writers use them daily.

Often, such writers do not keep the work they generate when using writing prompts but use it as a way to jump start their daily writing habit. They move on from the prompt to work on longer pieces in progress. Prompts generally take 3-15 minutes to complete.

When you read this book, you don’t need to read it in any particular order, cover-to-cover. You can just read the sections that pertain to the kind of writing that you do. Or, you can start with one of the last chapters and then return to one of the earlier chapters. You also do not have to do all the prompts. Different prompts appeal to different people, so choose the ones that suit you best.

Many of the writing prompts in the book were previously published in Authors Publish Magazine. However, many of them have been edited and updated for this new publication. A large number of the prompts are brand new and will never appear in the magazine or elsewhere.

Buy: The Authors Publish Compendium of Writing Prompts


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