Issue Two Hundred Eighty Two

ECW Press: Accepting Submissions

ECW Press is an established Canadian publisher. They accept poetry, fiction, and non-fiction submissions from Canadians. They only accept non-fiction submissions from international submitters.  I can not stress this enough – if you are not a Canadian, you can only submit non-fiction to them. Within Canada, ECW Press has good distribution. They also have excellent…

Metafore Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Founded in 2016 by students of Maharishi University’s BFA in Creative and Professional Writing program, Metafore is a new electronic journal of metamodern transcendental literature. They publish poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and hybrid form writing that speaks with the ancient wisdom of the modern, workaday mystic. They’re looking for literature that touches the unfathomable depths of…

The Shame List: Manuscript Publishers Who Always Charge to Submit

All of the publishers included on this list are traditional publishers. They are not vanity or assisted presses that charge their authors in order to publish their books. Many are respected publishers with good distribution. Most primarily publish poetry manuscripts. We have written at length before about why this problem affects poets the most. We…

  • Manuscript Publishers By Category

  • Literary Journals By Category