These magazines accept fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They’re a mix of literary and genre magazines. Not all are open for submissions through the month.
Three-Lobed Burning Eye
This magazine publishes horror, fantasy, and science fiction. “We’re looking for short stories from across the big classifications and those shadowy places between: magical realism, fantastique, slipstream, interstitial, Weird fiction.” They like voices that are “full of feeling, from literary to pulpy, with styles unique and flowing, but not too experimental.” They do not want extreme horror. They also welcome translations. They now pay SFWA pro rates.
Deadline: 16 January 2025
Length: 500–1,499 words for flash fiction, 1,500–7,499 words for short stories
Pay: $0.08/word
Details here and here.
(A few other genre magazines are also closing soon:
— Shoreline of Infinity has recently open for science fiction submissions. They pay $20 per 1,000 words; send up to 6,000 words. The deadline is 12th January. Details here.
– 34 Orchard which publishes “dark, intense pieces that speak to a deeper truth. We’re not genre-specific; we just like scary, disturbing, unsettling, and sad.” Send 1,000-5,000 words for fiction, or up to 3 poems. They pay $50, and the deadline is 15th January. Details here.
— GigaNotoSaurus accepts science fiction or fantasy, or any combination thereof, from 5,000 to 25,000 words. They pay $200, and the deadline is 15th January 2025. Details here and here.)
Splinter Journal
This Australian journal accepts works from around the world, and they are reading for their second issue. They have detailed guidelines, including, “We are always looking for writing that picks apart all the ways reality has been shattered, illuminates the shining threads of it that remain unbroken, and hints at the ways we’ll start putting it all back together. Our long-term goal is to mill around in the endless circles of these questions:
How did we get here, into the middle of this chaos?
Where are we? What does this place and time mean?
And where do we go from here?” They accept pitches (not completed submissions) for profiles (pays AUD900), essays pays AUD900), writing about writing (pays AUD500), and criticism (pays AUD700), and completed submissions of poetry (pays AUD250/poem or AUD450/collection of up to four poems, fiction (pays AUD900), and memoir (pays AUD600).
Deadline: 25 January 2025 (see guidelines)
Length: Up to 4 poems; no limits for fiction (see guidelines)
Pay: See above
Details here and here.
The Ampersand Review
They accept fiction, nonfiction essays/memoirs/excerpts, and poetry. They are reading submissions for Issue 8. And, they accept review pitches (not submissions) for books written by Canadian authors and published by Canadian publishers within the last 12 months, or that are forthcoming; review pitches are accepted on a rolling basis. The magazine is affiliated with Sheridan College.
Deadline: 31 January 2025
Length: Up to 3,000 words for fiction, up to 4,000 words for non-fiction, up to 5 poems
Pay: $100 for prose, $50-100 for poetry
Details here and here.
This is a print literary journal published twice a year by the Munster Literature Centre. Their reading period for poetry opened on 1st January, and they will close end-January or when their submission cap is met, whichever is earlier.
Deadline: Until filled
Length: Up to 4 poems
Pay: €50 per poem
Details here.
Bio: S. Kalekar is the pseudonym of a regular contributor to this magazine. She can be reached here.