Written by Emily Harstone September 6th, 2018

Acre Books: Accepting Queries

Updated July 23rd, 2024

Acre Books is an imprint of The Cincinnati Review. They focus on publishing fiction, nonfiction, hybrid forms and poetry. They are particularly interested in working with debut writers. They are not accepting submissions of full manuscripts. They ask that authors query first.

Their website focuses on selling books, not on recruiting authors. The books they have published so far are great and have wonderful covers.

They are currently hosting two reading periods a year. One starts on August 1st and runs through November 30th and the other starts January 1st and runs through April 30th. When they are open to submissions there is a form on their website that you submit through.

Unlike most presses you can submit any ten pages from your manuscript – it need not be the first ten. They also ask for a query letter.

Reviewing their catalog is a very good way to get a feel for what they are interested in publishing.

To learn more or to submit, go here.



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