Allworth Press is a non-fiction imprint of Skyhorse Publishing. They have major distribution, and while Skyhorse’s past reputation has been a little mixed, they seem to be doing well for a while now.
They have good distribution, decent cover design, and marketing.
Allworth publishes books in the following categories:
- Graphic Design
- Business
- Performing Arts
- Interior Design
- Art
- Theater
- Web Design
- Book Arts
- Photography
- Crafts
It is work looking through their back catalog and their recently published sections of their website to get a good idea for what they are looking for.
You must submit a proposal to them initially. Your proposal should include a brief query (cover) letter, a one-to-two page synopsis, an annotated chapter outline, and market analysis, including competitive research, up to two sample chapters and your CV including all previous publishing credits.
Outside of the CV the proposal information is pretty standard for a nonfiction publishers.
If they are interested they respond within 4-6 weeks. If they are not interested they do not respond at all.
They do make one curious statement, “please refrain from submitting unfinished novels.”, because they are not currently accepting novels at all and it is very common for nonfiction books to be submitted while still incomplete.
All proposals must be made through email. You can learn more, or submit, here.
Emily Harstone is the pen name of an author whose work has been published internationally by a number of respected journals. She is a professional submissions adviser and spends much of her time researching manuscript publishers. You can follow her on Facebook here.