Art/Books is an independent UK based publisher of books on art, architecture, design, photography, and contemporary culture. They were founded in 2012. You can get a feel for what they are currently publishing by visiting this page. It’s important to note that they appear to have published very few books during the peak of the pandemic, and none at all during 2020, but they published three books in 2022, and are still clearly active. Their website is regularly updated.
I do think it’s also important to note that on their about us page they say, “We also provide a full range of publishing services, offering specialist expertise and advice for museums, galleries, artists and others who want to create the finest illustrated books and to reach new audiences for their publications. For further information about our publishing services, click here.”
This is fine, as long as they don’t re-direct authors submitting work to their publication services. Please reach out to us if that happens.
They accept proposals of incomplete and complete projects. They allow summaries of the project you are proposing, to be submitted via email. If they are interested in what you submit they will reach out to you, often seeking a more detailed proposal. They only respond to submissions they are interested in.
To learn more, go here.
Emily Harstone is the author of many popular books, including The Authors Publish Guide to Manuscript Submissions, Submit, Publish, Repeat, and The 2022 Guide to Manuscript Publishers.