March 2, 2020
There are 24 themed submission calls for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and plays in the 18 markets listed here. Some of the themes are: steampunk and gaslamp fairy tales, debts, Lovecraft mythos, wildlife, Halloween, house and home, migration, vampire noire, dead awake, road (trips), and fear the future. They all pay writers, from token…
February 17, 2020
These are magazines for poets, and none of them charge a fee to submit, or they have fee-free options. Many pay writers, and all are open for submissions now. They are listed in no particular order. Several of these magazines accept other genres too, like fiction and nonfiction. There are also some awards, grants, and…
February 6, 2020
These magazines pay for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, and they are all open for submissions. They are a mix of literary and genre markets. Ninth Letter This literary magazine is open for fiction, nonfiction and poetry submissions. They also accept translated works. They want work that experiments with form, narrative, and non-traditional subject matter, as…
February 3, 2020
These are 20 themed submission calls for writers of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry in the 16 markets listed here. Some themes are: publishing, inverted fairy tales & folklore, an adventure anthology of Queer ladies, sky, stripes, extinction, Twenty Thousand Leagues Remembered, horses, cocktails, and romantic disasters at sea. All pay writers and none charge a…
January 9, 2020
These literary markets pay writers for fiction, and some also pay for nonfiction and poetry. They are a mix of literary and genre markets, and do not charge a submission fee, or they have fee-free options. Not all of them are open throughout the month. Cossmass Infinities This is a science fiction and fantasy short…
December 29, 2019
There are 22 themes for the 16 markets listed here. Some of the themes are: super powers, the science of reading, stories about Christmas, the magic of dogs, cat ladies of the apocalypse, the dark side of science, stars, neurodivergence, true crime, romantic ghost stories, and multispecies cities. Most of these markets pay writers, be…
December 5, 2019
These magazines pay for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, and are a mix of literary and genre markets. Not all of them are open through the month. LampLight This is a magazine of dark fiction, both short stories and flash fiction. They want work that is dark, literary – creepy, weird, and unsettling. Their guidelines say,…
December 2, 2019
There are 25 themes for the 16 outlets that pay for submissions of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some themes are: community, power, virtual realities, politically incorrect science fiction, feminist fairy tales, faith & politics, always reforming, future crime stories, archives, and fiends in the furrows – folk horror. All of these pay writers, from token…
November 18, 2019
These magazines/websites accept book reviews on a variety of topics and genres. Apart from reviews, most of them also accept work in other genres, like fiction, poetry, and non-fiction. Many pay writers, from token to pro rates. None charge a submission fee, or they have fee-free options. Here they are, in no particular order. The…
November 7, 2019
These magazines pay for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, and are a mix of literary and genre markets. Not all of them are open through the month. PodCastle This is a fantasy magazine. They print stories in an audio format and online. They are open to all the sub-genres of fantasy, from magical realism to urban…
October 28, 2019
There are 19 themes in the 15 markets listed here for writers of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some of the themes are: persistence, supernatural, my battery is running low and it is getting dark, ghastly gastronomy, after sundown, horror, immigrant fiction, phobia, and whigmaleeries & wives’ tales. None of these charge a submission fee, and…
October 21, 2019
These magazines, journals, and websites accept poetry submissions, and they are open in October 2019. Some are reading submissions for specific themes. None of them charge a submission fee, or they have fee-free options. Most of these journals accept work in other genres also, like fiction and nonfiction, and many of these pay writers –…
October 3, 2019
These are a mix of literary and genre markets that are open in October 2019, though not all are open throughout the month. All of them pay writers. Translunar Travelers Lounge The editors of this speculative fiction magazine want stories that are “fun”. Their guidelines say, “A fun story, at its core, is one that…
September 30, 2019
There are 21 themed submissions calls in the 15 markets listed here for writers of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some of the themes are: creativity and D&D, clockwork dragons, pulp horror phobias, dark divinations, winter stories, ancient civilizations, journeys, romantic ghost stories, borderlessness, seasons of rot, and monsters, movies, & mayhem. All of these pay…
September 23, 2019
Literary and other magazines can be a nice source of additional income for artists, illustrators, and photographers. Having work published here can also make a great addition to an artist’s CV. The guidelines for artists/illustrators are usually found under the ‘Submission’ or ‘Contributor’ guidelines tab (sometimes these are under ‘Contact us’ tab, or ‘About us’…