(b)OINK is a monthly online magazine publishing fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. They launched in January, 2017, and have gained in reputation and readership throughout the year. They are looking for writing that doesn’t apologize, and is thrill-seeking literature with poor boundaries. They like experiments, secrets, and bleeding hearts. They like to be turned upside down and shaken. To get a sense of their style, you can read past issues online.
(b)OINK accepts submissions on a rolling basis. In addition to poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, they publish a feature called “Voices,” in which authors respond to a writing prompt. For the latest prompt, please see the submission guidelines under “Voices.”
Authors of fiction may submit one story, 1,000 words or fewer. Authors of creative nonfiction may submit an essay, 2,000 words or fewer. Poets may submit up to three poems.
Authors should submit to only one category each month. Authors published in (b)OINK should wait at least six months before submitting again to the category in which they are published; however, they may submit to a different category sooner.
(b)OINK accepts submissions online, but not via email or by post. They accept simultaneous submissions, but prefer to receive work that hasn’t been submitted elsewhere. They do not accept previously published work.
If you would like to learn more or submit to (b)OINK, please visit their website.