Calls for Submissions

5 Paying Literary Markets to Submit to in December 2019

These magazines pay for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, and are a mix of literary and genre markets. Not all of them are open through the month. LampLight This is a magazine of dark fiction, both short stories and flash fiction. They want work that is dark, literary – creepy, weird, and unsettling. Their guidelines say,…

25 Themed Calls for Submissions – December 2019

There are 25 themes for the 16 outlets that pay for submissions of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some themes are: community, power, virtual realities, politically incorrect science fiction, feminist fairy tales, faith & politics, always reforming, future crime stories, archives, and fiends in the furrows – folk horror. All of these pay writers, from token…

5 Paying Literary Markets to Submit to in November 2019

These magazines pay for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, and are a mix of literary and genre markets. Not all of them are open through the month. PodCastle This is a fantasy magazine. They print stories in an audio format and online. They are open to all the sub-genres of fantasy, from magical realism to urban…

19 Themed Submissions Calls for November 2019

There are 19 themes in the 15 markets listed here for writers of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some of the themes are: persistence, supernatural, my battery is running low and it is getting dark, ghastly gastronomy, after sundown, horror, immigrant fiction, phobia, and whigmaleeries & wives’ tales. None of these charge a submission fee, and…

44 Literary Journals That Pay

“It is a sad fact about our culture that a poet can earn much more money writing or talking about his art than he can by practicing it.” W.H. Auden As someone who makes their living writing about writing and publishing, I can attest to how truthful Auden’s quote is. It is hard making a…

21 Themed Submissions Calls for October, 2019

There are 21 themed submissions calls in the 15 markets listed here for writers of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some of the themes are: creativity and D&D, clockwork dragons, pulp horror phobias, dark divinations, winter stories, ancient civilizations, journeys, romantic ghost stories, borderlessness, seasons of rot, and monsters, movies, & mayhem. All of these pay…

20 Themed Calls for Submissions for September 2019

These are 20 themed submission calls in the 14 markets listed here for writers of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some of the themes are classics remixed, fierce, mystery, urban nature and the environmental challenges of cities, classic fairy tales populated with gay Bears, AfroMyth, the magic of dogs (and cats), Christmas, me-time, Anne of Green…

16 Themed Calls for Submissions for August 2019

These are 16 themed submission calls in the 14 markets listed here for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, and comics. Some of the themes are: detective thrillers, a dying planet, industry, climate change, 1984 revisited, secret lunar wars, darkness wired, tricksters, and literary lovers. All of these pay writers, whether royalties, token, or pro…

15 Themed Calls for Submissions – July 2019

These are themed submission calls for writers of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some of the themes are: suburbia, monsters in space, swashbuckling cats, roots/routes, chains, haunting, survival horror, and pain. All of these pay writers, whether royalties, token, or pro rates. Deadlines are approaching quickly for some markets. The Suburban Review: Suburbia This Australian quarterly…

16 Themed Calls for Submissions for June 2019

The calls are for fiction, nonfiction, poetry, scripts, and puzzles. The themes include: journey, World War II, food horror, art and music, encountering nature, all aboard, a new beginning, hair, frontier, and midnight in the witch’s kitchen. All of these pay contributors. Also see this list of submission calls – some deadlines are coming up….

14 Markets for Themed Submissions

There are more than 18 submission calls for the 14 markets listed here. They are for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and translations. Some of the themes are: romantic witchcraft, fear, figures, forgiveness, miracles, golden years, Christmas, holiday stories, military horror, cursed items, the Beatles, alien abduction, and the woodlands. All of these pay writers,…

18 Themed Calls for Submissions

These are 18 themed submission calls for fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, and scripts. Some of the themes are humanity, detritus, winter holidays, Halloween, identity, alternate history farce and fantasy, axe murderers, retro weird, and the moon. All of these pay writers – royalties, token, or pro rates. Gypsum Sound Tales: Colp – Big Gypsum Sound…

25 Themed Calls for Submissions for March 2019

These are more than 25 themed submission calls for fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and scripts from 17 markets. Some of the themes are libraries & bookstores, sports & games, border noir, missed connections, grumpy old gods, journey, clothes, mid-century murder, cozy noir crime stories, epistolary horror, epic fantasy, queer families, space force, the clumsy gardener, enchanted forest,…

15 Themed Submissions Calls for February 2019

These are themed submission calls for writers of fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Some of the themes are holidays and holiday romance, dark skies, creatures, small-town America, apocalypse, exchange students, serial killers, mystery stories with boy protagonists, sports stories with girl protagonists, and demons. All of these pay writers, whether royalties, token, or pro rates. Also…

17 Themed Submission Calls for January 2019

These markets accept themed submissions for fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and audio drama. Some of the themes are voyages, grumpy old gods, work matters, Christian-themed speculative fiction, hidden histories, solarpunk winters, birth, future sex, epistolary horror, celebrating science, shifter stories, and animal-themed apocalypse. All of these pay writers, from token to pro rates. Also see this…

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