Calls for Submissions

17 Themed Calls for Submissions (Short Stories, Poetry, Essays)

There is a variety of topics and genres for writers to submit in – and the themes include mental illness, villains, both real and imaginary, sea terrors, gender and artificial intelligence, facets of Chinese cities, stories set in cellars and around mysterious stairs in the woods, writing by older women, about queer families and about…

19 Calls for Themed Submissions (Fiction, Poetry, and Essays)

These are themed calls for submissions from literary journals and anthologies, for various genres, sub-genres and themes – pirates, Sherlock Holmes and H. G. Wells mashup, odd creatures, beginnings, shelter from a storm, re-writings of Hans Christian Anderson’s stories and about parenting and mental illness, and about miracles, redemption and death. Many of them pay…

22 Calls for Themed Submissions (Short Stories, Poetry, and Essays)

This is a list of themed submission calls for a variety of topics, genres and audiences – fiction, poetry, non-fiction, interviews and reviews. Topics include compassion for the natural world, romance, colonizing other worlds, reconciliation and decolonization, stories about ruins and chefs, post-apocalyptic horror, themed stories for children, work by and about underrepresented communities, and…

32 Themed Calls for Submissions

This is a list of anthologies, journals and magazines with themed issues, including anthropomorphic societies facing dystopia, homelessness, Canada in the future, edges of darkness, world myths, aliens, subterranean worlds, summer flings, and healing. None charge a reading fee. Many pay writers; some pay a token amount and some pay up to several hundred dollars….

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